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I've just bought Kill Bill on DVD. I got it home and took off the cellophane wrap. On the side of the case there is a red tab that stops you from opening the box. I've just had to cut the damn thing...
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Our lounge once had an archway into the kitchen which the previous owners had sealed up using plywood with polystyrene on top! fantastic! Now we want to paint the room, how can we smooth overthe...
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If you are on a train with an attractive girl opposite/near you to you do you either stare, or avoid looking, and why?
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I defo gotta say Matt busted or Tom McFly, no laughing now!!
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I am looking for a website which has recordings of sheep noises which go on for about a minute (cows or pigs would also do)...can anyone help me?,,,please
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Does anyone know why, if you have a nap, or doze off during the day, you end up with a pool of saliva on the pillow or cushion? It doesn't seem to happen when you sleep at night?
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how many ab rolls and sit ups should i do each day to get a good flat tum? I am not overweight, just want to tone the muscles
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Does anyone know who the guys are in the phones4u ad?
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Im gonna be cheeky here, if anyone knows David Marshall, can i have his mobile number? ;o)
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right, im actually making up a CD for a friend, she like loads of old skool techno dance stuff from the mid 90's, anyone got any ideas?
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donnie darko
Does anyone know where i can download the song 'sexy boy' by air french band for free? (it is also the song in 10 things i hate about you where cameron throws the flyers down the stairs)
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How do I wire up my dvd surround system to work with my freeview box .
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I believe there are Angels. what do you mean we have guides?? I don't know if we actually see them. I personally have never thought I saw an angel (though I have been told I am one LOL) I don't even...
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Do you believe in guardian Angels?
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.......most haunted ?
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Gilly K
How do I remove very thick badly applied artex, it glows in the dark (green) and in places is over half an inch thick I cannot skim over as deeper than the skirting - help its the very awful fan...
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I asked this serious question a while ago and only got silly answers. How do blind people know when they have used enough toilet paper? It is not the sort of question I could ask a blind person (I...
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I have a sweet potato in my fridge. Any ideas for what to do with it? Keep it clean folks!!
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Can anyone suggest low-fat alternatives to have with my afternoon tea - Nothing that involves cooking please. I don't like fruits and I'd prefer something I can have my marmite with. Thank you!
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he may be going on holiday with a ex girlfriend who dumped him for someone else. She is not interested in him in a romantic way but they have remained friends. He was REALLY into her, and I don't...

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