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ill try and make this brief..... Me and my boyfriend have been together a year and 3 months and have been living together since last novemeber. Last year we had a few issues, basically he had been...
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I have a bad cough / a tight/sore and my head feels clogged up - i need to be tip top for Friday as I am at a wedding. Im taking Lemsip chesty cough mixture and paracetamol....any other suggestions,...
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What are everyones favourite lines/quotes from these two superb films??
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Could any of you men shed any light on my situation here please, I've been seeing a fella for almost a year now, been on and off a lot of the time (on his behalf), he got himself into a bit of trouble...
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Ok, this is going to sound really petty but here goes?A few weeks ago I bought a tub of flora & put it in the fridge at work. I only used it once & then went on a month long detox. Last week,...
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A friend went to the doctors last night for a checkup, and when it came to weighing her the nurse (male) asked her to strip down to her underwear. After weighing and measuring height she got dressed...
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What are the best hairstraighteners you can buy?
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I really like to pick my scalp, it's not that it's itchy but if I feel a bump of dry skin I love to pick or pull it out and have a good look at the size of the clump that I've picked, it's great when...
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Wasn't sure where to post this - I hope I'm in the right place! My friend went out last week and got very drunk and left the club before his girlfriend.  She called him on his mobile and he...
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What is an interesting fact you know, or a really useful tip? Not really in the right section here, but don't know where else to put it, and I think people probably look at this section the most?!
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mr. piper
just out of interest, how many "more than one night stand" relationships do people have before they settle down a bit. It may sound a silly Q. as most people would not be sure they are settled down...
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Everytime I come back from visiting family in Cyprus i bring back bottles of red wine called Kokkinelli. I love the stuff, its quite sweet - but heavy - almost like neat Rossi Martini (red) . Anyone...
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Dark Angel
Has anybody kept Sea Monkeys as pets? Are they too little to notice, somewhat like little tadpoles?
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im writing a story and i nedd help with names for wolves. any ideas?
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who sings the song from the george at asda advert 'is it cos i'm cool'?? 
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Whats the song on the vodaphone advert where the mans hair changes into an afro.
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Can anyone tell me the name of the of the guy doing the voice over on the new Tesco price check ad....I think it's either Kevin Wheatly or Jimmy Naill????
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where on the internet can i talk to like minded people about adult sex, without having to pay.many thanks.
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Just wondering if you've ever told a lie to your partner?  if so, what? 
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If you could go back in time and invent anything before someone esle, what would you invent? 

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