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murraymints six horses have died ths week at Cheltenham... please sign this petition..SOMETHING has to be done !...
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Let’s say ufos are real, is there any advantage the saucers are more aerodynamic than conventional rocket/aircraft designs in the earths atmosphere and seeing there isn’t any air resistance in...
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Andrew McCabe has been sacked 18 hours before he was due to retire It prompted a rather strident tweet from Former FBI Director John Brennan to Trump: // When the full extent of your venality, moral...
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just got back home from A&E. Was woken in the early hours by shouts and screaming. BOTH my son and his girlfriend had slashed their arms/wrists. My son was out of control and punching doors and walls,...
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Jahulaye State sponsored execution or a clever plot to frame the big bear?...
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Along with others I suspect, why does this type of thing go on and on risking the lives of innocence British citizens? How many times after the event have we been told that a terrorist was earlier...
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Why is it if I go to the gym Monday evening after work, I wake up Tuesday and feel fine. But when I wake up on Wednesday I get the mussel pain. I just don't understand how I can be fine all of Tuesday...
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Why can't I find 'health and fitness ' and Religion and spirituality on the menu?
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Just eaten some food from a polystyrene container - you know the yellow colour type take away ones . Just noticed that part of the container is sort of deformed , as if it had started to 'melt' Is it...
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....but there will be an accident.... In January I posted about my amazement at a number of cars driving through a red light onto the Hamburger Roundabout in Kettering....I held my breath waiting for...
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I think I heard a mumble the other day about them phasing out 2p and 1 p coins.Did I hear right? I agree they are pretty useless now, but i always wait until I have a few and then I put them in the...
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murraymints lovely...
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We are going to Canada in mid May, travelling Montreal ,Ottawa, Toronto , Victoria and Vancouver. I wondered if any ABers, had been also around this time. I am not sure about temperatures at this time...
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What if the Salisbury Assassination attempt is a plot set up by a yet unknown Organisation to discredit Russia & cause trouble between Russia & the UK ?. And now the news is that another ex Russian...
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Jahulaye There has been countless funny memes of putin so not sure why those aren’t and this...
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Hi foodie ABers out there. Can someone please put me out of my misery and solve my problem - I just can't make light and fluffy yorkies - no matter how many different recipes I use, no matter how...
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