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chinadog 0/Want-GP-Gipsies-come-NHS-tells-doctors-trave llers-seen-straight-away.html
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Is anyone else absolutely amazed that there are smokers who are so selfish that they gas their own children in a car? Should it be necessary to legislate in this area, surely smokers should not be so...
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After the Daily Telegraph leaked details of MPs expenses, the House of Commons has published the official documents into the public domain. However, the official documents are heavily censored and...
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I knew she could'nt have done this alone......................... 075/New-nursery-porn-arrests.html.....
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4getmenot 001/Teenage-girl-sues-after-waking-up-with-56- tattoo-stars-on-her-face.html
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such a nauseating show as when Lord of the Gorbals ,Michael Martin, entered the Commons today, they fawned all over him, heaping praise upon his head, his claim to fame being the first speaker in 300...
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why were the Windies allowed 10 wickets when their innings was reduced to 9 overs? it was obvious they would reach their target when wickets didn't matter in 9 overs? Surely they shoud have been...
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If you lived in an area not suitable for upgrading your internet speed via optic cable would you be happy to pay an extra ?6/year on your BT phone bill so that 90% of the population can be connected?...
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Millionaire Conservative MP Brian Binley is unrepentent. "I won't let the Telegraph bring me down". This came after it was revealed that Binley, despite a ban on MPs renting homes from firms in which...
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...of the foriegn invasion? eland/8104287.stm Is the public starting to say, enough is enough or are they just not very tolerant in Belfast?
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A video taken on a mobile phone in Nottingham shows the local police making an arrest. The footage apparently shows the man on the floor with the Taser wire already attached before being shocked. He...
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Oneeyedvic m British Airways is asking thousands of staff to work for nothing, for up to one month, to help the airline survive. The appeal, sent by e-mail to more...
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The Conservative leader used a discussion about his opposition to ID cards to do what appeared to be an impression of a Nazi officer. Adopting an exaggerated German accent, he asked the crowd 'Where...
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why are the accused allowed to snigger and make gestures to the victim's familes as in two recent cases----(Rees Jones and Ben Kinsella.)Surely the court officials can put a stop to this deplorable...
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anotheoldgit 9/Two-teenage-girls-jailed-stripping-rival-16- street-whipping-disrespecting-gang-leaders-mot her.html Yet another savage gang attack perpetrated this...
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anotheoldgit 0/Muslim-cocktail-waitress-gets-3-000-sexual-h arassment-bar-ordered-wear-indecent-dress.html In these compensation mad days, shouldn't employers think...
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An independent inquiry into the Iraq war will be held in private, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has told MPs. Can we trust it to be completely independent, and whatever happened to transparency in...
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It's pretty clear that whatever government is elected next year there will be cuts in public spending. However there are rumours that the Tories are still at least considering cutting if not...
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The Israeli PM, Beniamin Netanyahu, has announced that Israel would recognise a Palestinian state as long as the latter is totally demilitarized and has no armed forces or means of defence whatsoever....
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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ,has rallied his supporter in Tehrans main square, thousand upon thousands are chanting support for this despot who want to wipe the state of Israel off the map, who has...

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