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I'm 21 now and I'm a bit fed up with being the only person out of all my friends who is still single and not seing anyone. I meet a lot of guys I really like and get on with but it often ends up with...
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TESTICULATING - Waving your arms around and talking b*llocks. SEAGULL MANAGER - A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. ASSMOSIS - The process by which...
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I would love to be able to post smileys/emoticons on the messages.Most message boards have them now and I hate not being able to use them here.Also it would be great if we could view other user's...
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lol has to be a ? or it'll be banned... by the way i was banned for like a week; now i'm back ...go figure! haven't seen you on for a while, what have you been up to?
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Hello all, my friend has been a bit moody lately, i think he's been having too many fat days, anyway, he's got a crap diet, eat fish and chips all the time and drinks like a fish, all of which leads...
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Before you ask i'm not some internet perv, i'm just curious as to who is using the site. I'm 27. I was just wondering if answerbank was run by kids or was a family site or were people hung out when...
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can dogs see a tv picture, when they look at a tv do they see what we see or do the just see lights flasting across the screen ?
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My cat sometimes drags his paw repeatedly (like bulls do before they charge) on the newspaper next to his bowl of food after sniffing it. Why is this?
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Could anyone recommend which would be the better purchase . Playstation 3 r Nintendo Wii . Its for my 5 and 6 yr old boys .
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anotheoldgit /news/news.html?in_article_id=483450&in_page_i d=1770 We now know that a fifth crimes are commited by foreigners to the UK. 1/ Poles - 2,210 crimes,...
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Shadow Man
If the parents are not fans would they object to a Christening present made up of an Elvis, Bowie and Beach Boys set of three baby T'shirts. They are rather cute, but fear they may never be worn. Any...
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so...i've had migraines forever ... it sucks but whats worse is for the past six months i've gotten occular migraines. they wake me from sleep; always @ the right eye (go figure)... the doctor told me...
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I followed this link from one posted on B&S, so I can't take credit for it, but it's so true I thought you'd appreciate it. .html
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I have been with the boyf for nearly 3 yrs now and have never been happier.... We have our own house and have a comfortable living... My problem is this - My boyf has never, ever, surprised me with...
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Banana Boat
About a month ago i met a lovey guy in a club. We spent the night together, but not in a sleazy one night stand kind of way. Up until now he's been txt me saying how much he likes me and cant wait to...
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who are these mysterious guns for hire? who is ultimately behind them? they are the largest private army in the world. with their own airforce too. are they part of the new world order? or just...
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What do you all look like? Can you post a picture of yourselves on here? Answers saying NO will not be neseccary.
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A guy I know, suffers from depression. He occaionally drinks and cant find a decent girlfriend :( When he does, he clings to them like no one else will have him, which is probably what drives the...
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I am staying in New York and will be arriving in the city on thanksgiving day. Does anyone know if bars in Manhatten will be open on that night or is it total shut-down like the UK on Christmas!...
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really what do you think when you see a very large person ? i do think how could any one get to such a big size that they can not walk very well or do much .i know some people are big coz of health...

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