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Has anyone here ever had 2 weeks of premenmnstrual odour ? If so did it smell like donner kebabs ? Ive read this on here . uestion573752.html And im...
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I mentioned a while ago that i was having to have a circumcision. Then it was delayed for two months. I had it a week and half ago, under a general, and went home the same night. just as i was getting...
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Was just wondering, i would love to give my girlfriend oral sex, but the only problem is, sometimes there is a really bad odour down there, can anyone suggest anything that might stop that odour or...
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I have a recurring ants' nest (at my back doorstep). I treat it with the usual powder and they disappear for a couple of weeks. They are back again for the fourth time !!! Anyone have any suggestions....
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I just wanted to know if anyone as a job where they are sit at a computer desk all day long and gets a stabbing sharp pain in there back, as I have just started a job where I am at a desk all day long...
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Hi. A while back, perhaps 2 years or so, i bit the end of my tongue and apart from swearing obscenitiesm, it left a small "split pea" size lump (ulcer??) on the tip of my tongue. It didn't bother me...
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My friend has a husband and they are seperated at the moment, he was adopted as a child and has severe rejection issues, as soon as he feels slightly threatened he bolts. He knows he has issues but...
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I am fit and healthy, I used to be fat as I child and lost alot of weight around the age of 18. .I am now currently fit and healthy, I run and row almost daily. But these veins do look bad I am fair...
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Has anyone ever been here and if so what is it like and where would you recommend places to go out for the day...thanks in advance!
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1) how would you deal with a moth in your living room? 2) do you bring your own plastic bags to the supermarket? 3) have you ever seen your ideal man/woman? 4) what is your favourite song at this...
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I have this constant feeling of forlornness when I have to say goodbye to a female that i've met. I'm travelling the world at present. For example, I've just spent the majority of the past two weeks...
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question for the guys and girls which do you think is the best brand and type of condom in terms of maximum sensation, enjoyment and stimulation? ive usually stick with durex, and have tried the...
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my gran is 80 this month and i dont have a clue what to buy her. i want to get her something special/out of the ordinary. we seem to buy her things such as dvd's every year, books and jewellery etc...
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I am a bit distraught ... yet another of my mates has been removed from planet earth... This makes it n+1 in the last n months and is so not fair... my mate Dave was killed in a car crash this morning...
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I am writing this for my sister, she has 2 sons ages 14 and 11, they fight non stop as soon as they wake up, till they go to bed, she has tried talking to them about it but they dont listen, until she...
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Hows the sleeping going now?
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Silly trivia. Never done this before, so humour me. 1 What is the colour of your car 2 Can you change a wheel 3 Have you ever caught, killed, gutted, cooked and ate the same fish? 4 Do you share your...
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1. whats you favourite monster munch flavour? 2. have you got a wheely bin shed yet 3.when was the last time you laughed so hard it hurt? you use public toilets for No 2's? 5. have you got a...
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1. What colour are your living room curtains. 2. What colout is your front door. 3. Which Supermarket do you mostly frequent. 4. Which Daliy newspaper do you buy. 5. What colour is your toilet paper....
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As concerned Grand-parents my wife and i are worried about our grand-daughter who has lived with us since she was 6 months old and has now gone off to Uni. She has always had us to remind her to do...

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