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anyone any tips on how to get rid of cellulite permanently, through diet etc;
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My apple crop was almost inedible this year as the fruit was riddled with brown holes. What insect causes this damage and is there a pesticide-free way of dealing with the problem?
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plants have leaves going black and eaten holes
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Ok, so does anyone know why if meat from a lamb is called lamb and chicken is chicken, why do we give a different name to meat from a cow (beef) and pigs (pork)?
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After seeing 'What are the odds?' question, is it true that actually the chances of rolling ten sixes in a row,say, on a dice is juts one in six because each role has its own probabilty as is not...
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How soon after I dye my hair can I redye it?
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Wht are people's perception on a relationship where the bloke is younger? My friend is putting off starting a relationship as the guy is only 18, she only 21 but she thinks people will see that as too...
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Hello all. I came across my New Year resolution list the other day (yes, sadly I made lots!). One of them was to be able to do the splits by the end of the year and I'd actually still like to have a...
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What is your favourite aftershave girls
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Can anybody give a short summary of themselves as I often wonder what the other people who use this site are like?
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after the question about what people are like i just wondered .
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Is soap self-cleansing? Otherwise surely it would be just as dirty as your hands/other body part as when you last used I sound like a clean-freak?!
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is it true that its dangerous to pick a mole off your skin or accidently damage it (cut)? Not the animal, the little spot-type-thing!
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What is an Xebec ?
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What animals mate for life?
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What the hell is a Yak? And what is a cess or cesspit?
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the windows of my bedroom are constantly open and I get a lot of wasps coming in. They're my worst creatures, they creep me out! I've tried spraying them with furniture polish, deodrant and bleach but...
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Trying to find the title of, what is probably a dodgy, 80's movie, that I watched as a kid. It was basically a bunch of kids that travelled around on rollerskates on a planet (Earth?) that had no...
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Does anybody know any network on Sky etc that shows Northern Exposure or where I can get vids/dvds?

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