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OK, as we are having a bit of fun today, what', in your opinion is the most un pc show ever on TV. There's probably worse bu I'll start the bal rolling with: Love Thy Neighbour from 1970's, it seemed...
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But the health and safety mafia gone mad:,,30000-1214739,00.html What are they gonna come up with next?
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Just been watching the news, there was a guy on there who dialled 999 because he couldn't find his sandwiches in the fridge! Why are people so stupid that they cannot judge what constitutes an...
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Just been watching this, talk about one born every minute, I just can't believe there are people stupid enough to believe this cobblers. Are they just incredibly thick? Anyone else seen this?
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Just watching The Armstrongs, OK I just can't decide if they are real people or is it actors, the programme is just sureal. Is it for real?
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New leader but who cares who leads the Lib dems? Will they ever gain power?
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Several sources are claiming they are a "tax on the family" what do ABer's think?
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With the latest New Labour sleaze row, will the Tories now admit that when it comes to sleaze they are a bunch of amateurs and pay hommage to the masters?
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Just what are the probation service and social services thinking? I mean are they staffed by idiots with no common sense, surely anyone can see what is needed in this case and yet they are guilty of...
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I used to get a small preview window in Windows explorer (file explorer not internet explorer) I found it useful especially with photo's because you could see what it was without having to do a double...
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I've often heard the above and tend to beleive it's true, well can you con an honest man?
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I read this article in Compass magazine this month, so do we all get our money back then? Excerpt: The Bill of Rights of 1689 is the Law of the Land to this day. Clause 12 reads: "...that all grants...
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I've got loads but I'll limit it to 5. 1. Paying by cheque2. People who think think baskets only means a basket inside a trolley, cos they are too lazy to carry the basket.3. People who do not move up...
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getting asked? Some sort of a quiz, but this time it seems to be only one question, rather than a general theme, like the babywalking, heart attack stuff. Make it stop please! Are the people asking so...
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What's going on here? why would a load of muslims blow up a Mosque? I don't get it.
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Are we all ready then ? Anyone dreading tommorrow?
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Loosehead,,30000-13505043,00.html Would you give your name, address and finger prints to a boozer? Not me guv!

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