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Lucy Thomas

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Iv recently aquierd 8 marijuana seeds and i want to grow a plant in my house.the problem is im only 14 and live with my parents.i have a basment i can grow it in and a lot of closets.i really need...
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I had a new phone from a mobile phone company. My contract ends in April 08. However I called in Jan 08 and specifcally asked whether if I get a new phone, does this mean I have to stay with the...
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i have a peugeot 406 and am get a lowed vibrason what could this be
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There are nice people in the world still. /news/news.html?in_article_id=544748&in_page_i d=1770 Think a few politicians could do with a few lessons in...
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hopefully come the end of july this year i'll be 18, and i shall be able to have a debit card and use ebay legally, (parents permitting) and of course have a drink. I intend to buy things and sell...
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What was Albert's wifes name in Steptoe and Sons?
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Hi can anyone tell me how I would go about sueing the nhs for negligence, I am enquiring for my mum who has just lost her partner. One of the points is the staff placed an iv in his muscle instead of...
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I have been expeimenting with the burning off of toilet odours from human faeces after flushing. What is your opion on if this works or not.
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Just got a message from a +44 number, but when i try to read it, it just says Incompatible message.I only get the option to delete or go back. Any ideas how i read it? cheers.
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i am sorry but the scene of christ being tortured like that is the worst kind of sadistic scenes ever shown on film,it literally made me feel sick and made me cry..yes i am a catholic...and it is only...
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in the last year i have reciceved 10 charges .....for drunk and disordaly and also criminal damage of ?15.000.. i am on a referal order for 8month and i have now been done for assult and in court i...
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Health Minister Edwina Hart should heed her own advice ? see her pic halway down link page "Ms Hart said: "Diet has an important role to play in the...
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So that MP's can vote with their "conscience" Very nice of him, however, am I missing the point? shouldn't MP's consult the people who put them in the House of Commons, their constituents? here is a...
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Ok I'm not all that bothered that one of noo labour's finest has acquired an infestation of pikies but on the more general point why don't we give the local authorities the powers to deal with this...
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How long do you have to be with somebody for farting to be ok? Now i dont just mean this is a one way thing. Girls fart too even though they say otherwise! The girl i've been seeing says it is never...
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I am 5ft 3in tall weigh 11.5 stone and tripped while walking, unable to get my hands down on anything to save myself I landed smack on my nose (surface area 1 sq in?) One knee took some of the force,...
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Newport Quay
Sweet William with trouble in the waterworks
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What is Al Murrays real name
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Me and my boss playd around alot yesterday for the first time. i went down to his house for a coffee which was totally normal because we have always been close and i always come and talk to him about...

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