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7D Was Oscar Wilde dying to find peace here? (12, two words) ?ER?LA?HA?SE.
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Stuck today - 27a a millet, eleusine coracana much grown in India, Africa etc 36a any of a group of alcohols which are waxy insoluble surfaces 37d a variety of wheat triticum dicoccum grown in...
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exploitation by a landlord of tenants with slum properties. thanks in advance
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40A: tree yielding a nut chewed for its intoxicating effects in s asia.
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I once heard a guy busking in Canada and he sang a song with the lyrics 'good ole Johnny Brown' in. I can't seem to find it anywhere. What is it called and who is it by? It was good - I gave th guy $2...
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What is the theme tune of C4's programme teachers called?
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Give me your favourite opening lines to any particular song you can think of.
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Can anyone tell me where to find a copy of the film 'Birth of the Beatles'?
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Who knows from which French film with Belmondo or Dewaere the melody 'jabadabada' is?
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What's the name of that dance track being played a lot at the moment with a simple piano riff and a woman singing in an old style: 'Round round round. Round round round. All she was singing was round...
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Who sings the song that has these lyrics in? 'Upside down....boy you turn me inside out....'

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