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"Dad, who built the Suez Canal?" "I don't know son." "Dad. who discovered penicillin?" "I've no idea son." "Dad. what's the capital of Italy?" "I haven't a clue son." "Dad, you don't mind me asking...
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Have just been reading that his daughter has received £150,000 from the charity. Surely this can't be right?
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Word of the Day - PRESSTITUTE Journalists and talking heads in the mainstream media who give biased and predetermined views in favour of the government and corporations, thus neglecting their...
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Help needed and running out of time! Questions with a town or city in the answer 52. Completely crazy, insane 57. Famous event involving a Protestant Boy (something to do with Derry??) Thanks for any...
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Did you know............. It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from the mouth to the stomach A human hair can hold 3 kg The length of a penis as three times the length of the thumb The femur is as hard...
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5. Welsh, Nottingham Forest Midfielder (6,7) Think his name begins with an O?
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I got pulled over by a traffic cop yesterday. He asked if I had a police record. Apparently "Message in a Bottle" wasn't the answer he wanted....
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Just received an email from a firm to let me know that I am owed a rebate of £11,784.89. Bring it on, could use the cash for Christmas etc. Everyone admires a trier they say!...
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When my old laptop gave up the ghost, I put it into a local repair business. They apparently downloaded all my photos etc on to an external hard drive. Problem is, I can't seem to get it connected...
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A gynecologist had become fed up and was burned out, he decided to become a mechanic. He went to the local technical college, and learned all he could. When the time of the practical exam approached,...
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To stay slim, healthy and happy, have an orgasm daily:............... O-il free food. R-ipe fruits G-rilled vegs.... A-ll wheat bread. S-alt free food. M-ilk. What you thought also works!...
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Was at the dentist today for my routine 6 monthly check up. When the dentist finished she informed me that the practice is going private and NHS patients would only get a routing check up every two...
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My son and his family were invited to a wedding. Being a bit strapped for cash, my daughter-in-law bought a very stylish dress from a charity shop for £8. It still had the labels on and obviously had...
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Sad to hear that Doreen Mantle has died at the age of 97. Doreen played Jean Warboys in One Foot In The Grave. She also appeared in Father Brown, Doctors and Coronation Street.
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His head was an hourglass; it could stow an idea but it had to do it a grain at a time - Mark Twain I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception - Groucho Marx He has no enemies, but...
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"Never odd or even" spelled backwards is still "never odd or even"...
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Has anyone been to see this film? Went yesterday and thought it was fabulous. Having said that I'm sure I missed bits so would like to go back and have a second watch. Cillian Murphy was his usual...
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What do you call a podgy psychic? A four-chin teller....
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I arrived early at the restaurant last night. The Manager said "Do you mind waiting for a bit?" I said "Not at all." He said "Great, take these drinks to table 9."...
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Word of the Day by Susie Dent. "Quiddler" (18th century) One who focuses on unimportant issues as a way of avoiding the important ones; who fiddles while Rome (etc) burns. Quite a few quiddlers...