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is it possible for two people who live 6000 miles away from each other and have never met to fall hoplessly in love with each other , bearing in mind that they are in constant touch for 8 months and...
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Hi everyone at AB, after a couple of years, a few hundred questions and a few thousand answers (plus a couple of banned ones!) I am going travelling off around the world and so I won't be on here...
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The Tree
Been feeling run down in the past few with my doc each week and trying to sort it out but to no avail yet.hes done bloods but each time shows up nothing.he has so far cancelled out the...
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Hi all Thanks for all your advice re my situation with my bf! I left him permanently last tuesday night! Back at mums, where i belong, getting my own car and having a girls night out on saturday that...
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Is it my imagination or is peoples breath getting worse?, I was just in a meeting and the 2 people to the side of me had awful smelly breath, I have noticed it more and recently; or is my sense of...
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My mums' life is made a misery by her husband, who i long ago stop referring to as my dad, and it is as though she is trapped without a way to escape. He is an alcoholic and is getting more and more...
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No matter how many hours of sleep i've had the night before, I literally cannot keep my eyes open from around this time everyday at work until i get home and when i do get home, i'm noody blinks. Can...
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Well lets start off with the story.My husband and i never fought.It was rare if we did.We moved to alaska which was the worst thing ever.Thats a story of its own.Moved back home.We were very bitter...
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When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
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I'm having really bad trouble at the mo with this, sometimes still being wide awake at 3am!!Annoying to say the least! Has anyone got any fool proof suggestions on what might help?
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I don't know whether to believe my boyfriend. I have been at uni for a couple of months now and he is back at home. He told me he has met this girl and they are just friends. I asked him on Friday if...
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hi all , just checking in to see if i'm allowed back this afternoon, yesterday wasnt allowed to post or answer questins, dont know why , i havent swore or offended anyone, things are so weird here...
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Hi all, I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago (after 20 a day for the last 15 years!) and I have put on 7 pounds already!! Even though I eat carefully, lots of fruit and veg etc. I am only 5 foot 1 and weigh...
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Well, I am still alive. He left his axe at home. It went BRILLIANTLY!!!! I couldn't be happier! I am absolutely smitten!! The weirdest thing is, I went on this dating site for a bit of a laugh and...
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How do Guide dogs know where the blind person wants to go?
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What are your views on this? For those who don't know what it is, it's basically a law which will bring in the right for people to go and see a list of convicted Peaodophiles (sp) in their area....
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I am trying to loose weight only about a stone for christmas and so im dieting (WW) but i need to do some exercise as well and i hate the gym, so i suggested to my partner that we go to bammington...
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If I ate Crisps and nothing but crisps, how long would it be before I died? And, how would I die? (I am drinking water)
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can men get cellutlite? somone told me they can't can anyone explain?
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i spilt from my ex 3 years ago, never really got over him i surpose! but just lately iv been thinking about him alot (again) and i keep having really naughty dreams about him, they seem so real and...

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