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Good morning everyone - well after a wild and woolly day yesterday, it's unusually quiet here, little wind and no rain so far, even some sunshine ...but who knows how long that will last need...
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Skeleton. 10a conservative member, a key politician (5) c?e?g Maybe I went wrong somewhere? Thanks...
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My son last month won The Sunday Times "Where Was I" compertition which was a 12 day cruise round the Baltic. He was given two dates in June to take the prize .As he has two children at school and his...
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Good morning everyone - rather sticky here today, we're waiting for the promised deluge, all we've got so far is overcast and humid, tomorrow (Aussie Mothers Day) we've been advised to wear wellies if...
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Hi, how would I get rid of a large fern? I would like it dug up but I cannot do that. any ideas. Thanks
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Good morning everyone - another lovely sunny day today, the humidity has gone (thank goodness !! ) hopefully Autumn is really here !! Not sure quite what to make of these links - in a couple of cases...
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23A a merganser of northern europe and asia,the male of which has a white plumage with black markings. 4 letters. I have s*ew??? All help appreciated...
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Hi, I have a large fern in the border. Over the winter it has cast seedlings into the lawn and I have got a lawn of baby fern. Obviously not wanted. Will I have to pick them all out or can I use a...
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Good morning everyone - sun's shining and the nip has gone out of the air, so it's a good one to be outdoors and doing things, and it's a long weekend into the bargain .... And now for the links, with...
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14 a Time to get politicians something to eat (6,6) S?t?n???e?n? thank you really stumped...
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8oz SR Flour 8oz Sugar 8oz Porridge Oats 8oz Margarine 1tbsp Golden Syrup 1tbsp Hot Water ½ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda Mix the flour, oats and sugar, melt marge, syrup and water in pan. Stir in the...
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Good morning everyone - weather can't make up it's mind today, one minute rain, then very gusty winds, then bright sunshine ...not really attractive to be outside, so the seedlings might have to wait...
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Good morning everyone - well the sun is coming through after a couple of dreary days, no rain (bother it !!) just grey and bleak, lovely to see the sun again ...and the autumn leaves are just...
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Hi, 26 a Arrest 144 following directions (7) E?g?o?s Is this engross (ref 144 gross) Or Engaols ( ref arrest) Thanks...
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Good morning everyone - well here we are, at the start of yet another month, as usual the year is galloping along, I'm still back at mid-February ( mentally ) and now the humidity has returned ... all...
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Good morning everyone - A bit on the cool side today, but hey, I'm not complaining - in fact I'm thinking about wood fires and woolly socks ....only thinking mind you - Now to the links which may or...
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23 down (5) Precipitous s?e?? Thank you...
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I have just gone on to Brians site to see if he was back from hospital,and his family have put that it is with deep sadness that Brian had passed away. If Brians family or friends read this we share...
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Good morning everyone - well it would be/could be if this wretched humidity would go back to where ever it came from ....Adelaide is not in the tropics please note !! even my English is deserting me...

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