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Can someone help me please. I am in full employment and I have the use of a company car. I had the choice of car and picked a 27k top of the range vw touran. My company has just announced that when...
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is it okay for a child of 1 year old (13 months) to still share a room with his parents or should he have his own room? i am on the list to be housed and have been snice a year before my son was born...
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about my 15yr old son with his asthma, well to cut a long storyshort, he had a bad bout, and has now got over the worse thank god. anyhow what I want to ask is this He has now got a brown inhaler...
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I had my laptop up for sale on EBay and had advertised it using some of the specs I found the details by searching on google and whatever I could find about it, bearing in mind that I know very little...
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anotheoldgit We have all recently seen a huge rise in our motor insurance premiums, this has been due to the escalating rise in 'whip lash' injuries claims. A recent...
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been totally stitched up by a so called, "architect" Paid Him £1300 to submit plans, long story but several months went by,nothing happening. He said the council were slow, so i phoned...
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Philtaz Imagine the repercussions had this driver killed someone else instead of himself? We often complain about Police being over zealous in exercising some...
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Hi guys. I was watching a late film lastnight and in one scene a woman decides to go shopping in a town bout half hour from her house. Whilst walking down the high street she looks in a local cafe...
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Have entered a competition which requires the entrants to take a photo of themselves and ask for Facebook votes. The 10 entries with the most votes are then viewed by the judges to determine a winner....
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We're in the middle of a full rewire/replumb as part of the home improvement scheme used to improve the local council houses. Part of the process was verbally agreeing with the surveyor what work...
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Hi I just wondered if anyones little ones have been diagnosed with this and what are there symptoms? I've spoke a lot on here about my boys behaviour. I've tried every way to disipline him, play with...
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We are just off out to partake of the Haggis and Neeps with some friends.... and a small snifter of the Laphroaig, no doubt!
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Good Day! I generally understand how a merchant has every right to refuse access to their toilet facilities to a customer. However, I'm hoping someone with a legal background may be able to take into...
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I have rubbish nails... Do you have any varnishes or lotions/ potions that you use? Not tablets- im thinking paint on stuff or creams? They dont grow great and are quite weak.. There was one a friend...
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granny grump
Just had a bombshell phone call .My niece had a kidney donated by my brother her dad about 5 years ago but the kidney has been failing over the last few months and she was due to go back on dialysis....
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hi all, i would like your help again if you would. i was recently in a car crash as a passenger in a taxi, it was the taxi drivers fault (idiot was texting on his phone or summat). iv seen my gp today...
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I arranged to do some volunteer work in the Salvation army shop.I went along today as arranged from 1-4pm. The woman in charge did not appear until 1.45. I said hello and she said they had too many...
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Scenario. A girlfriend of 7 years ago contacts you and says you have a son who is now 6 years old.Up till now you have no knowledge of this. The girlfriend who is in a relationship says she isnt...
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I was in the bathroom, putting on my makeup, under the watchful eyes of my youngest granddaughter, as I'd done many times before. After I'd applied my lipstick and started to leave, little Sadie said,...
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Again, she is waking after about an hour of being asleep and waking up pulling her ears, shes had calpol and wont come to me for cuddles she just sits there ans cries her eyes out. nothing is soothing...

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