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Just been to my local ASDA. I paid with ?20 note and they used some sort of pen on it to verify it was real. Anyone know how this process works? I mean what stops forgers duplicating the process?...
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my daughter is self harming,today i took her to the doctors and i was told she has clinical depression,this is all new to me ,why should a child of 13 have this...her dad who still is at home with us...
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My husband discovered that mice visited our garage/utility room in the night. They've bitten through the clear plastic bird food containers with lids & tucked into the peanuts, etc., leaving them...
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I purchased a (not very expensive) item on e-bay and effected payment through paypal. I have received an e-mail from the seller as follows: "I'm having difficulty verifying my paypal account as I used...
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Hi does anyone know of any supplement or vitamin that boosts mood and can have the effect of making you feel happier? Thanks
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Been charged with GBH recently. Basically was in a bar, looking at some girl, The next thing I know their is some bloke in my face saying "shes nice isn't she" and i said...
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Despite suffering a humiliating defeat in the House of Lords over this subject, the Govt still plans to press ahead with the idea, reversing the decision in the Commons.With prices for these things...
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Do things your partner do frustrate you or is this just part of a relationship? Things like being untidy, being late, being forgetful, etc. If things they do annoy you is the relationship doomed or...
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my son has just turned 18month and is yet to take his first steps independantly, what is the going age babies begin to walk and is it unsual for him not to be walking yet?x
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I was traveling home from work in my mates car this evening,Along with another person so infact their where 3 of us in the car.I told me mate about comment from the athletic bilboa coach directed at...
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WaldoMcFroog The law is to be changed to allow two prostitutes and a maid/ receptionist to be able to operate from a single premises. Previously it was only one. The law...
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I'm doing research for my dissertation for uni and wanted to know how people generally percieve what life is like in prison. The media usually portrays it as being easy, what do you think?
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Hi, I am a 29 year old Irish male who has been 'going-out- with a Swedish girl for over 3 1/2 years now. This has been my first serious relationship, and a very loving one at that. Age didn't seem to...
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Is there a collective noun for a gathering of chavs? If not, may I be so bold to suggest a Stain of Chavs, or possibly a Scum of Chavs. On Saturday I saw one of the largest gatherings I've ever seen -...
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Not entirely sure where this should go... I know having kids can be very expensive. I'm in full-time employment and my partner is in part-time employment and although I'm mildly happy with my job its...
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Do you live in the past, present, or future...are you always thinking about the past, do you take life one day at a time, or are you always looking ahead to the future?
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hi been watching forrest gump recently and does anyone know the name of the real life man who ran across america(for no particular reason) which was copied for this film. i've tried many google...
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is it really true that mary is maybe thought to have actually been raped by a roman soldier??
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There are many questions on here that refer to Brits (British people) and elsewhere I have seen references to Aussies (Australian people). Why then would I be frowned upon or even labelled a racist if...
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How old were you when you met 'The One' and where did you meet them? (To give us single ones out there some hope!)

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