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Lots of people now have tattoos, how many of you regret it? I wanted one as a teenager, I am now, well, oldish, and I am really glad that I didn't go ahead with my teenage desire.
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I've had a bit of a shock this week. For the past 4-5 years I have had increasing problems with my duodenum, compounded by constant nausea, headaches, sleeplessness, and even, which I'm rather...
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Greetings! I can't really call it a tune, perhaps it's more the 'vamp' part of a tune, or just a beat any event, might anyone recognise the commercial that's running on channel 4 right now?...
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I feel a bit daft... But is it time to seek advice/help? And what can i expect? Final 6m of my degree...snowed undervwith uni work, study olus my own job. I have a very ill family member and some will...
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Hey everyone! I'm sure this one's a bit of an 'out there' question, but might you know what Railway route (an even more hopeful), what route is being featured on the new Stella Artois advertisement....
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Might anyone know an email address for the folks at Brainiac? We're trying to write directly to the producers on behalf of my son. Most grateful!...
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How do I get my url on the internet, can I just put it on somehow or do I have to use the services of a hosting company.
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I'm seeking a volunteer organisation where people offer their services for certain projects (if it's one that interests them). My hopes are rather high though. I'm looking for an architect who might...
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I've been using MS Publisher for several years and have had constant problems with it, particularly when a component drops out and I'm told is missing. After repeated repairs and...
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We have a 3 year old Jack Russell who is very loving and well-behaved apart from one thing. Whenever I try to leave the house he barks like crazy and snaps at my legs. On a couple of occasions he has...
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Have often wondered why planes going to America from England have to travel via Scotland to cross the Atlantic. Has always puzzled me but I expect there is a simple explanation to this, can anyone...
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like meeting a famous person or been in a film or been on TV Etc
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I do a load of baking, and people come around (not the people I baked for) and before I know it, all my stuff is gone! Take this morning, I made a tray of traditional Cornish Pasties (potato, onion,...
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I am 33 single and have a decent paid job that bores me, a mortgage and a nice house. I am so utterly bored i feel like crying....I went to see a hypnotherapist/counsellor but didn't make me feel any...
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Brent pigeon
We are planning on coming to the States in October and we would like to visit somewhere in the south east. I hope someone might be able to give us some suggestions as to where to go. We have already...
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Fish the Mod
Just want to give my son a sea fishing taster. Is there anywhere that is no more then two hours away from London that do sea fishing for an hour or so ( not an all day charter)
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Hi I am taking my fiancee on a supprise trip to Paris from Mon 20th to Wed 22 July for her 30th Birthday. There are so many things to do/see and i'm not great on the old planning lark! Any...
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Hi, we would like to go to las vegas, los angeles & san fransico. what price should i be looking at & is it cheaper to book by myself or with a travel agent? Would like to travel august 2010. thanks...
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madrid man
thinking of heading to Cuba in Sept 08! I here you can't go via the states, i would be flying out of Brisbane Aussie, any ideas? Gracias
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As its a special anniversary in August 09, we want to go all romantic & tropical etc. Not Europe. We quite fancy a water bungalow in the maldives but is weather too dodgy? Mauritius was another...

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