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What's brown and sticky? A stick....
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<3 <3 <3 Xxx Xxx Xxx Love Tinks. Xx...
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Is the current fashion amongst young women to wear black tights and short legged pants a homage to Biffo?
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14a The ore is broken up for this objrct (6) ???e?o 9a Call your friend inside (4) Thanks for any help given...
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37 Down a small African antelope, thwe male of which has ridged spikelike horns. I have O*I*I< and it's the last. Help much welcomed.
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Can anybody help please? Which film is depicted by the milk bottle floating in the sea?
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16a.district in thed far east(4)-r-- 22a.negotiated direct recognition(6)-r---t 13d.pleased about having passed by(7)e---s--...
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40 d pencil sketch ? is it a life or a line drawing ? and 27 a obviously ?A?K?DAY help please...
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Paraded, showed off 8 ?L?U?T?D Thanks Cheers...
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43d film storage device t?d, 44d tease viciously l?t?t and 36a unconcerned ?l?e?
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1d billiards ? 2d try out ? 22a samename (surely this is two words 4,4, ?) thanks...
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What are Argentina upto?...British nuclear submarines have patrolled the South Atlantic,for many years.. Now they complain about HMS Dauntless being deployed to the area,and any submarines with...
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xword addict
Hi all am really struggling this week any help will be appreciated 2 down unfastened container for the horse 5-3 l?0?e ?o? I thought of loose box does that sound correct ? 4 down a bit of food is here...
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More colourful pirate excited about having been elected (8) p?i?t?e?
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7d Dull dog writhing in pen s-o-g- Is this sponge? sog in pen, (my bet) shough (as shoodog) or even storge (to pamper young animals?) Many thanks as this finishes this crossword off.......
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25 Across, Writer engaged in revolutionary wrestling conpendium(7)O?N???? 28 Across, Various maps including cinema access(8)??????S? 17 Down, Great success? Altman film included in this...
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instrument used to determine the depth of body of water or the vertical on an upright surface ( 5,4) p?U?b ?i?e many thanks in advance...
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But if i have the little ginger cutie!!! Just HAD to share this xxx...
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There I was sitting at the bar staring at my drink,when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me,grabs my drink, and gulps it down in one swig. "Well, whatcha' gonna do about it?"...
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I know we often have to suffer seeing the same joke posted twice within a week or so but to see the same joke submitted twice within 2 days!! Don't people read the jokes on AB before they decide to...

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