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What is it with him and Tanya? Does he like her? Remember when he first came and saw her he started following her! He's so cute!! He's the only reason I watch it!!
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I have just got Vista with its Office trial, and everyone I send a file to by e-mail says they cannot open it, nor if I send a file through Works Word processor. Being a bit dim, I tried sending...
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who is ian beales stalker?
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My great great grandfather (maybe another great!) was born in Shankill Armagh in 1817 and joined up with the British Army before he came over to England. How can I find out where and when he joined...
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so...i've had migraines forever ... it sucks but whats worse is for the past six months i've gotten occular migraines. they wake me from sleep; always @ the right eye (go figure)... the doctor told me...
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I'm a composer (classical) and want to buy a gismo that I can record my own music with at concerts and rehearsals (ie not bootleg). Something small enough to put in my handbag!!!! No external mike.I...
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knighted conductor of berling phill
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I am self-employed and have run out of money. I am owed several thousand but it will not arrive for a couple of weeks. My phone has been cut off and I owe rent. I don't have credit cards any more -...
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My brother is seriously ill and I have to travel to Perth next week (from London). My sis-in-law says that you can get cheaper last minute flights on compassionate grounds - I have never heard of this...
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Just bought this MP3 player and enjoying playing with it. I found that I can transfer old cassette tapes onto it directly from my hifi. Thought it would be great to put them all onto CD. Can transfer...
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I recentley split up with my ex wife, and was allowed to spend half the week with my daughter (aged 5). not long after my ex wife met somebody new and got married and pregnant within the space of 5...
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I've recently given up my job & friends to live in a foreign land with my family. My boyfriend will not be able 2 join me until April 2007 and my friends will probabaly only be able to visit me on...
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I am well into the menopause and get these waves of tiredness - I sleep very well, and take various supplements but I don't want to take HRT. Has anyone any advice - sometimes I feel like I could...
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What do people think of Eastenders now compared to how it was? I really liked Eastenders it was one of my fav soaps but because all of original characters have gone or are going it is not the same...
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what the heck does "how many beans make five" mean?
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as I get older (54) I find more and more I'm getting swollen ankles. Anyone have any rememdies?
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Can anyone recommend any art galleries or museums to visit in Europe?
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Summer pudding recipe please!
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I am going completely demented with the fireworks this year. I live in the east end of London and fireworks start on Halloween, through Diwali and into Bonfire Night. It is everynight from when it...
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I know this is a really icky question, but does anyone know how to get knickers really white?? I mean, how do you get rid of those stains? It doesn't seem to be a stain that washing powders own up to...

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