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In response to an earlier question about the significance of Monopoly playing pieces, I'm in the UK and the pieces are different! I have an iron, a car, a dog, a top hat, a boat, and an old boot. So...
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This advert - from the late 80's/early 90's I think - featured some sort of lizards on sand, having to keep on lifting their feet up because it is so hot...I think they kept on saying hot-hot-hot as...
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I was younger when I saw this film on tv, so my memory is a bit sketchy! Made in the 70s/80s, I think it was an american film but it may have beenbritish. I remember there being an epidemic as aliens...
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This is that Club Paradise with Leslie Grantham. All I can seem to remember is it was about a nightclub which I think had two brothers working there, all I am sure of is one was called Ken and he was...
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In the two ronnies grocer shop sketch what else did the australian ask for apart from four candles?
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How many people from these legends can you name?
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Does anyone know what song this line is from? I heard it on Kerrang radio and these are all the lyrics I remember. I can't find out what it is by searching on the internet. As far as i can remember he...
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I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
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Everyone has a claim to fame - no matter how small or big, so whats yours? Mine is that I lived opposite Rod Stewarts sister when I was grwoing up (my parents still live there) and Rod used to park...
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Broadband advertises as being up to ten times faster than normal connection, but is this the only stipulation? If 'normal' connection slows to a stop (as mine does) won't the broadband multiplier...
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Who sings 'its my party and i'll cry if i want to...cry if i want to, u would cry to if it happened to you?'
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'Don Amott, king of caravans' was a popular advert on ATV and Central, are they still going?
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Is this a remix of an old eighties record? The lyrics/melody sound VERY familiar but I can't find any mention of its pedigree. If it's not, what song does it sound like?

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