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Why do guys get errections during sleep?
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I want to buy a history book for a 6 year old boy for Xmas. does anybody know of a good one in print?
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lone gunman
What is the proper name for baby mice?
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The Rut
Where other than Britain do Hedgehogs live, I`ve never heard of them being mentioned living in America
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Can anyone explain how Iraq is a strategic military threat to continental USA (or Hawaii)?
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Why do major prevailing weather systems always travel from West to East?
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If we discovered another planet that was primitive and we had acces to it how would we bring it into the our future ? slowly or at a faster rate than our evolution providing they wanted to advance.
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This is probably a stupid question, but when the US started fighting in Afghanistan this was supposed to be a good thing. Yet when USSR where fighting there it was seen as a bad thing. So what's the...
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Can anyone tell me both the meaning and origin of the American 'insult' 'poindexter'. Im an avid Simpsons watcher but admit to being baffled as to why geeks are called poindexter.....
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In days of old when the rag and bone man wandered the streets with his bell and horse and cart I know what the rags were ...but what were the bones..were they actually bones or was this a name for...
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Does anyone know what i'm gettin for christmas?
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What is a silkhouse?
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In what period of history is Boris Pasternak's 'Doctor Zhivago' set?
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I've always found the words, noodles, pump and Niblets make me chuckle (for some reason)!! Am I mad, or does anyone else find certain everyday words amusing?

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