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Whats the official record for the number of lines on Standard Gameboy tetris ?
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can a leagal contract be formed by email between austrailia and UK? what counrtys law is used?
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If I was on a driving lesson with a qualified driving instructor and I broke the speed limit, who would recieve the penalty fine and points on their license? Myself or the instructor ( who is...
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Robert Lo
Why my personal firewall block the message from remote IP to local IP
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media player I have win98. I have Quick time for windows and it cant open some *.mpg files. Why? It appears the message : "This file contains data reference.Current version of Quick Time dont support...
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Where can I find an example piece of coursework of AVCE Unit 13 ICT?
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but after installing Marcomedia Fireworks MX, every picture files are opened by it. how can i open the files with ACDSee acquiescently?
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I was just wondering about certain types of mp3s. In my infinate sampling of music before buying I have come across some mp3s that do not display their song length. I.e on a kazaa search there would...

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