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Years ago, whilst babysitting, I read a book that had allsorts of weird anomalies in. Like women who were pregnant for years or at aged 5, periods from elbows etc Anyone have any idea what this book...
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I heard that ms is just a northern hemisphere problem. Is this true and if so why?
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FTVS has pointed out that Christmas decorations have already appeared in the shops. I saw some today (October 14th) in Marks & Spencers. Unbebloodylievable. Where was the first Xmas display of the...
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Why is there such a debate over protecting the right to kill one predator *fox and then protecting just about every other predator on the planet * whales, tigers, owls, hawks the list goes on. how...
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Can I please have a man's opinion (about 20-30 age) on what they think is the best, i.e. most alluring, sexy etc perfume on a woman?
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What do Trainee dentists practice on. I've been told they practice on Pigs Heads.
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This is my 2nd day of not smoking and I was wondering if anyone else had found a good way to distract themselves,when you get a craving? I am taking zyban which is supposed to lessen the urge to...

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