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Any of you still watching this? I'm obsessed. Especially with the Beverly Hills one. I've gone from hating Camille and love Kyle to hate Kyle and loving Camille. Do we ever find out if Kim really is...
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Have you ever walked out of a film? Which and why?
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Really silly question - but here goes...... when doing the above should I be breathing through my nose, mouth, both or does it not matter? I'm doing this on the recommendation of my GP for a bout of...
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hi all.. had a lump on my gum for few weeks and been to dentist today, been given antibiotics and have to go back next week to have a molar tooth out next to where the lump is... really really scared...
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I'll try and keep this short..... My son (16) has been with his girlfriend (15) for over a year. From quite early on her Dad was against the relationship and we really didn't know why. Turns out that...
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Are the staff totally to blame for this severe problem? " Duty of care " Has this Lib/ Con put managers in this position that they can not give the care because they have not got the staff due to cut...
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woofgang Both my mother in law and my Dh had terrible times in NHS hospitals, especially A and E...
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What is it with kids riding scooters around supermarkets? Today in a smallish M&S my mum was looking at the food and a mother and her 9/10 year old kid came along. The kid was riding a scooter up the...
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On Channel 4 now ........... are you watching?
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The layout in these stores drive me mad, everything all crammed together on hangers and nothing displayed nicely on models - I have yet to buy any clothes from here. There is lots of space to walk...
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My daughter has been suffering from earache for quite a few weeks. Been to GP he said no infection but they are congested. Any tips on how to uncongest them. It is really getting her down.
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I have been selling a few bits on e-bay. Now someone has emailed me saying I have put the wrong pic for one jumper. And I have! What is the worst that can happen? It is less than 12 hours to go so...
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Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem, when you go onto 'My Ebay' and click paypal it normally takes you to paypal website. The last 3 days when i click on the paypal link i just get a...
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Owd back in the royal Oldham,getting worse.
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Sammy48 Fern seems to be getting a verbal bashing in the press. Do you think...
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Hi guys.....not been on here of late...have a problem and thought.....who can I ask.....doh!! I have suffered with menhorragia most of my it was not a major surprise to be told that I have...
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I understand most of the breast feeding legislation (Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005) but Subject to section 1 subsection (2), it is an offence deliberately to prevent or stop a person in...
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worryingly, i found a lump in my breast on Friday night. Breast had been a bit achey, so had a feel around and found a little lump. Boobs were lumpy when i was breast feeding, but stopped that around...
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We are still snowed in. It is starting to thaw but no significant change as yet. We were promised rain, it has not arrived.......yet.
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Was out with my Daughter in law today when my grandson needed the loo. WE were in McDonalds in the shopping centre so she just said 'go on then' & off he went into the mens by himself. We could see...

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