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to the hospital three times now. Also has been using eye drops every day for it. Today he went back to the hospital and the doctor there said it was all going on. But he also said something about...
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Ebay have removed one of my listings because they said it is not allowed and the reason given was "used cosmetics" that does not make any sense at all, it was a jewellery box (empty branded ) and...
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I enjoyed the first couple of series but I can't see why anyone would want cameras following them around all this time . It is starting to get boring for me....
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Does anyone know when/if National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation will be on council telly? (ie not Skye.) My favourite Christmas film....
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I don't know if you know, but The Real Housewives of DC is on ITV2 in the afternoons. :)
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We need a new bed, as our mattress has completely gone. My husband says it is fine, and does not need changing. What can I do to get my husband to agree with me, that we do need a new bed/or...
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Just heard that Derek Branning dies at xmas, I am gutted, I am inconsolable!!
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This is for my daughter's Food science project on take-away/eating out food 1. Sandwich - Hot and cold 2. snack 3. pizza 4. Starter 5. pudding/dessert 6. Curry 7. Chinese dish 8. How do you like your...
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It will help regenerate a run down area
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I do not have a favourite to win but do have a favourite to lose. I do not enjoy James Arthur, I don't get him but he keeps on getting through. Where am I wrong? Is he a brilliant performer when heard...
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What is the "Best" way to clean light bulbs. Is it ok to use water or is there a liquid that wont damage them
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lately my daughter says she been crying in her bed and sometimes comes down and is terrified to go back to bed. She says she can hear talking and load noises, even said she thought someone was walking...
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How you can PROPERLY was your feet in the shower. Without falling over, or falling on your ass. I do have a bath but loathe it.
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or something in your house that people admire???.. im just being nosey...
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You are walking down any street & come across a roll of ££££ notes, in total a £1000, it just coming up to Xmas, what would you do?
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i have just sent emil ant stomach it no more pooh on the ladies toilet seat mens toilet full of pooh and paper and dirty paper on floor st in disability toilet i feel really sick i come home and...
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just been informed by my solicitor that the housing wont give in unless i go out of the property for the kitchen and bathroom to be done ;i cant do this i have nowhere to go and might need toilet...
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Don't know if this will work and you may need a Facebook account to see it, I don't know how to get videos off Facebook to post elsewhere. Anyhoo, if you fancy a giggle.........
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Me and missus were invited to a friend of hers and at some point i wanted to use the toilet so was pointed upstairs. As i walked upstairs i heard "WAIT!" and he friend came running past me...
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There's an accounts lady who works for one of our clients who has been a huge help to me this year so when it comes to us giving out our customers 'gifts' (usually wine, beer, etc) I'd like to include...

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