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Hi, can anyone suggest some really good names for chickens. Boy or girl names is fine because we're getting baby chicks and can't tell the sex of them.
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I changed the water and cleaned and scrubbed all the contents & added the safewater (same routine as i always do every six months) but it's been 3 days now and the fish just sit at the bottom and...
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My new kitten (hence all the kitten questions I keep asking on here!!) loves to fetch me a piece of rolled up paper so I can throw it for her. She then brings it back to me and waits for it to be...
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hi my kitten is 8 months old and on the pads of her feet she has what looks like nails?! they stick out and have grown and are hard like nails anyone know what these are? she has them on two pads? all...
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my 6month kitten was spayed 2weeks ago and has been fine, was mad when i got her home running about had to shut her and me in 1 room to keep her calm then she started biting her stitches so took her...
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my kitten who is 6mths now doesnt seem to have grown she still looks like she is a baby kitten a small one at that and i dont know why. she was supposed to be 6weeks old when i got her but she seems...
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i have a 6 month old kitten and am trying to get her to wear a collar but she don't want to what the best way to go about it?
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i have a 6 month old kitten who is booked in to be done on friday but i think she is on heat, how do you know? and can she be done if she is on heat? thanks
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my kitten is 5 month old why does it meow all the time unless it is being petted it even meows when it is eating
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please can someone help i have a seven week old kitten that i got yesterday but i dont think she has been a poo yet? does kitten poo look like cat poo? stupid question i know but not sure she goes on...

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