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How do i kill a mature tree that is overshadowing my garden, without chopping it down?
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Please, Please can anyone tell me where [Home Front in the Garden presenter] Diarmuid Gavin 's leather jacket came from???
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One of my friends told me that it is legal to wee against the back wheel of a parked car against a curb - in a strange old law loophole
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I was once told that the Queen (or reigning monarch) is only allowed to visit countries outside of the Commenwealth once during her reign... can anyone tell me if this is true?
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I found out my boyfriend uses internet porn. how should i have felt, is it ok for him to carry on using it. i want to be fair, but i don't feel good enough for him now. i got angry at him. was that a...
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If I was on a driving lesson with a qualified driving instructor and I broke the speed limit, who would recieve the penalty fine and points on their license? Myself or the instructor ( who is...
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which clubs do what?
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Whats the official record for the number of lines on Standard Gameboy tetris ?
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Are there any online petitions where one can express support for Barry George?

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