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Hello, Not sure if this is the right catagory but anyway... When Jesus said ''It Is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven'' What was he meaning? Thanks...
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What is the legal break entitlement , if you are working a six hour shift, I I always thought it was 15 mins , but now I have been told it is 30 mins thanks Gypsy X
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What do men (or women for that matter) think when we put X's at the end of posts or texts etc... I have so many people asking me this!
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hi i am wondering about a bird omen. i sware i heard a bird knocking on my window this morning. over the years i've heard this before here and there from time to time, but thought nothing of it. but...
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I have been arrested on suspicion of assault after my neighbour told the police that I punched him during a confrontation when I did not do such a thing. I have been bailed for a week pending further...
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I am currently studying law at uni and am really really worried about my prospects of obtaining membership with the Law Society. I received a caution about a year ago now just for having a child...
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My son (21 & clean driving licence since 17), when parked on a hill let off the hanbrake so as to roll down a couple of metres to pick up a friend waiting on the kerb. An elderlyish lady crossed...

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