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Anyone got any ideas on how to stop female dog pee from turning the grass brown?
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Can anyone tell me what a 'push' message is please?
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Did anyone see my question on "Human poos - should they sink or float" in the science section?  Sorry if it offends anyone, but I am genuinely interested in finding out an answer.  The...
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I am sorry if this question annoys or upsets anyone but I am genuinely interested and would like an answer to it.  Should human poos float or sink? In a conversation with friends, 3 said...
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I reckon there should be a section where you can click and it explains how to keep track of your questions and answers etc.  I have just found out (by asking a question) that you can do it by...
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Does anyone know what these are and is there a website where I can see a few?
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I am relatively new to AB so forgive me if I ask a dumb question but here goes! If I answer someones question (or I am just interested in keeping track of the responses, how do I do that? ...
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I seem to have a colony of honey bees living in a disused chimney in my house.  However many of them seem to be very lethargic and loads of them are dying.  Anyone got any advice...
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How the hell did Wacko Jacko get to own the rights to Beatles songs? Did Paul and Co go bankrupt sometime ago (forcing them to flog their music) and I missed it??!!
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Anyone got any ideas how I can deter these big black beasties from feeding from the bird table?  They demolish all the food in double quick time, but they also seem to scare off all the little...
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Is anyone going to the rally on Saturday 2nd July in Edinburgh?  Or the one Sir Bob is calling everyone to later on that week?
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Can anyone help clarify . . . 1) What cities will be showing the Live 8 concert on big screens? 2) What date is Sir Bob asking everyone to go to Edinburgh to demonstrate? (by foot or boat!!) 3) Is...
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I have bought and installed a Bluetooth USB Adapter onto my PC with the aim of transferring info from my PC to my mobile (Samsung D500) I have bluetooth 'enabled' on my mobile however when I click...
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Anyone heard of a singer/songwriter called Foy Vance?  If so, what do you think of him?
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Do any old timers remember the kids programme Pogles Wood?  And if so, where can I see it again or get some info about it?
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I would love to download a song from the movie Babe.  I think it is called 'If I had words' (it is from the part of the movie where the farmer is dancing around the farmhouse).  I...
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I have a Samsung D500 and would like to download music onto it to then use as a ringtone.  Problem is that I just don't know where to start.  Any ideas anyone? (not too complicated...
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I am a bit of a technological idiot so can someone tell me how to download a song onto my mobile phone.  It is a Samsung D500 and has an mp3 player if that is relevant.
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Maybe a link to mobile phone questions and answers?

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