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Every year I fill out a application for car insurance but the bit I hate doing is putting down my occupation . Some one please tell me what the hell it's got to do with anything. 26 years no accidents...
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I wanted to renew insurance and was told because I was divorced I would be charged £35.00extra, I asked why and was told because I was divorced I could be using my car more to go out !,,,,,, any...
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Could someone let me have the Password for the Win a caravan competition in the Daily mail for Easter Friday as I couldn't get a paper ( I have already asked this question but it seemed to disappear...
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Morning all, assist please with 23a Mountain range in County Kerry in The Republic of Ireland ?a?g?l?y?u?d? ?e?ks Something Peaks? Thanks all. xx...
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28 a terry pratchetts 21st discworld novel (5) b?n?o thanks in advance
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I really like her version of 'Driving Home for Christmas' from the Iceland advert. Has she made it her own or does that version already exist and if so, by who?
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I think i must have something wrong,I have Lehar for the composer 39a but i cant get Epsom in for 35d,And is 42a Ferrier
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Last evening I watched the BBC 1 programme on the eviction of gypsies from Dale Farm. Most of the inhabitants seemed to be females of various ages who seemed to be concerned for the future of their...
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Is anyone else thoroughly fed up with the X-Factor? Tears, emotion, conflict, and long moments spent in breathless anticipation of 'life-changing' decisions - not to mention mainly mediocre talent....
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I've just watched tonight's on Iplayer, and cannot believe Afia (not sure about spelling) looks so thin! She didn't look like that when she was last on the show, did she?
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Is he gonna turn out to be a baddie? The story about having his brother to stay sounded well-dodgy to me.
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Her mother is in a care home. I visit another resident in the care home and have seen the situatiion she is concerned about first hand. Her Mother is 91 years of age , quite frail and not able to move...
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(a) engrossed in Saturday night TV ; (b) suicidal through watching Saturday night TV ; (c) down the pub ; (d) reliving their youth in a night club ; (e) embracing a youth in a night club ; or (f)...
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My car insurance renewal date is 16th July. I received a renewal notice from Direct Line (I've been with them for 5 years) and as ususal it said that if I wanted to renew, do nothing, as they take the...
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all the answers to check and let me know if any wrong Thanks...
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I am sure it has been posted already but don't those two sisters look like the ugly sisters out of Cinderella in their pantomime inspired outfits and Philip treacy hats ! Mentioning no names !
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I cannot believe how thick and lacking in general knowledge some of the younger contestants are on this show...On Friday night... two "beautiful"! people lost hundreds of thousands pounds in...
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I've just noticed a new road sign that has appeared recently in my area, it is an orange/yellow colour with a black boarder and black lettering simply saying BANK HOLIDAY. One is in North Somerset on...
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just curious ive been sent a fine for £30 for going in a bus lane but just wondered how they got a photo? i mean its not speed activated cameras, and presumably busses travel through all the...
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Are you concerned not being able to see the bonnet of your car when you are driving ? A colleage of mine changed his car but was complaining that he was unable to see the bonnet of his new car,...

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