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hi all, i am going to part tile my bathroom with mosaic tiles, i have never done any tiling before, has anyone got any tips to make the job easier & help avoid some of the pitfalls, any advice much...
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hi everyone, need some advise, when is the best time prune my hydrangia,s thanks kath.
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I'm sick of this dour,greedy man taxing us all to the hilt.What next a breathing tax or a making love tax with cameras placed around the bedroom to rate performance? Anyone agree with my sentiments?
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just following on from naomi24's question, is it true that the Tories have said that if they are elected they'll repeal the ban on hunting? If yes, would this stance stop you voting for them?
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a partial transcript from a closed-door hearing in Guantanamo Bay is apparently confessing to a long list of plots which he personally planned for Osama Bin Laden. The US...
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Wellard onews/index.var.3144.0.0.php Any comments?
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AB Asks
Lewis Green is only 10 but has a string of criminal offences behind him including smoking cannabis, threatening children with a knife, vandalism and burglary. He has been excluded from several schools...
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Why does England turn its back on its own people E.G Jade goody and stick up for others Jade did nothing wrong she was provoked and spoke her mind if it was the other way round the other women wouldnt...
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AB Editor
Morning, Does anyone have any comments of the recent TV phone in scam which has been uncovered? If you do and would like your opinion to be considered to go in this weeks newsletter please post your...
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hi all, my mum has been given a pressure cooker it is as good as new, unfortunatly there is no instruction manuel with it, therefore no model number, and never having used one dont know much about...
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AB Asks
As we start the see the sun on a more regular basis it is reminding us that summer is on its way which also means the smoking ban is nearly here. There will be no smoking allowed in public places...
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we have a digital terrestrial reciever it was givin us but have not a clue how to use it any ideas and is it free to use cheers all x
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Could anyone tell me of anything that didn't exist five years ago? I was asked this question the other day and all I could come up with was Broadband - don't even know if this is correct!!!!
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Plans to text immigrants to remind them to go home when their VISAs run out. Has this story leaked out before April 1st? 26921551.html
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I'm a Tory. I hate this government with a passion. But today I say well done to Blair. He has annouced that he has had enough of our "Lazy can't be arsed army" of benefit claiments. They will now pay...
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the goverment is today pushing a bill through parliament, to give bailiffs extra powers to break into the homes of people in debt, ( i.e credit cards )
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hi all, i have a pyracantha, the black birds are eating all the berries, while i enjoy watching them, will this harm the bush, or will the berries return next year. when is the best time to prune it....
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I have recently bought a Samsung HD TV which has superb picture quality but a poor sound quality - rather tinny and harsh. Adjusting the on board equaliser makes some improvement, but the sound still...
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Anyone know of a code to enable my sky remote to work this set, no mention of LG Tellys in the sky book or the LG manual
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hi all, a question i forgot to ask on an earlier post, what do they mean when they say, that headphones are open air / open back. and what difference do they make. thanks ray.

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