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that has no meat only sea food and vegetables which is good for dieting in the evening and really fills you up?
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is it any good? need to lose a stone at least before holidays in June.
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Has anyone tried Green Tea to help with weight loss? What did you think and did it help at all?
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Hi all, I am looking at starting this diet on Monday (I'm working nights till then so see no point in starting over the weekend). I have read a bit on it and have ordered the book to find out even...
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I've had this since Sunday. Been to the GP and had it confirmed. Started off feeling very nauseous and dizzy,generally tired and sleepy. Now not so dizzy, only occasionally nauseous and not so tired,...
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I've read all the science on this diet and its just what I'm after, My question is has anyone tried it and if so how much weight and how quick did you lose it? I only need to lose 1 stone at the max,...
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I'm considering weight loss surgery as a last resort. Has anyone experience of this good or bad? Many thanks.....Elaine x
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My daughter has a 10 day old baby. Has not passed a motion for 2 days. Any advice on what to give or do?
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There are a few questions on at the moment saying it is hard to find petrol. How about an AB network telling each other where there is fuel available? we are all over the country so we should be able...
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Hi, just seen an ad on facebook about them, read up on them, no reviews but any reviews there are they are probably lies. Anyone on them or tried slowly but surely starting to pile more...
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Hello, has anyone tried the above for weight loss and found it works, as ive just read about the study done and people who were very over weight lost weight without changing their way of life, Views...
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In the beginning, God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow vegetable of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. And Satan created...
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Woke up with trapped/ pinched nerve pain in my neck and shoulder. Pain is so bad this time that it's making me feel sick. This happened about a month ago, lasted three weeks. Not sure whether to go to...
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I've only just started a low GI diet and am learning bit at a time. Tomorrow Im going to do a low GI nutty chicken curry... here if you are interested... http://www.bbcgoodfoo...3/nutty-chicken-curry...
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I am trying to cut down on my bread, potatoes, carbohydrate foods, is there anything I can have instead of my lovely toast in the morning ... and is cereal carbohydrate ? Where can I find a detailed...
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Woke up normally this morning and went about my normal routine, was getting dressed and something went ping right along the base of my back, almost as far down as my bum. It was like an instant...
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2 to do -help please 6d station almost installed and set down (9) ?e?o?i?e? 13d embarrassed girl to cut and start again (9) ?e?e?e?o? thanks...
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mr has been to the dr's and been told he has v. high cholesterol. he was given advice (obviously!)....but what should we be doing as both a family and specifically for him to lower it as fast as...
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Post Christmas Diet 'Twas the months after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The biscuits I'd nibbled, the sherry I'd taste At the Christmas parties had...
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I've been on low carb diet for exactly 2 weeks. In the first week I lost 8 in 4 days. I then put 2lb on (I dont know how, as I really didn't cheat) and this was all I lost last week. So 2 wks in I've...

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