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I need a copy bill from 3 years for a court case, rang and requested from 02 but they say they can only go back 2 years. Does anyone know how long they keep these records for?
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We are the claimants in a civil matter, the respondent has taken money from 2 elderly peoples bank accounts (both now deceased) I am the executor to one and have grant of representation for the other....
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We are interesting in buying an old cottage. The property is unregistered which im aware can be quite common on old properties. Main concern is there is a separate piece of land about 6 feet away from...
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my partner pays child maintenance to his ex but he is coming up to retirement. He will receive a lump sum from his private pension and a monthly amount, will he have to pay child support from the lump...
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I replied to a text but the recipient never got it but all my other contacts did, but they shouldn't have, any idea what I did or what may have happened?? cheers
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can you settle a dispute, is an attic classed as part of the house or part of the roof?
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I have been split up from an ex partner for 8 years and every so often he rears his ugly head. whilst I was in a relationship with him he did some weird and wonderful things, always accusing me of...
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ive had a ccj on my credit report since about 2000-01, it was for ?200 for an item i got from a catalogue which i honestly thought i had paid for with 2 cheques by return when i received a default...
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would a probation worker lose his job if he declared himself bankrupt, or was found out to have a history of domestic violence
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I posed a question a while ago about lying on a legal document. I now have a land registry tribunal hearing date for next year. My ex's solicitor has written to me to say that she is now in the...
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I am involved in court proceedings against my ex. we are just waiting for date for the hearing. When i gave my statement of case i witingly lied on it as I did;nt think it would actually reach court....

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