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i have a problem with my lap top and its really beating me now, i have lost the sound and the volume symbol at the bottom of my screen has got a cross through it ,can anybody help?
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C'mon, share your age with me!
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I have been with my boyfriend for over two years now, and although I go to Spain every year, I am taking him for the first time. He has never been abroad before, and I can't wait to take him. Can...
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Thank you for your replys i know she is thinking ahead i would not take from her if we split but when we moved in together it was a brand new start and then i got told i can not have my name on...
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hubby of 24 years was having an affair he has come back to me having stayed in a band b for a few nights the thing is trust i know that its going to be hard and ive realy tried not to be to over the...
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just started seeing a new girl friend who has a 12 year old daughter who goes mad every time we wont to see each other any one had this prob or got any advice
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Andy hughes sounds like such a nice bloke, always spot on with advice...anyone agree?
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Friend of mine wants to get revenge on her ex - he cheated on her lots, beat her up once or twice, treated her like poo and all the usual plus he is refusing to give her any financial support for...
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I'm not sure this is the right section but I thought I'd get some good suggestions here... Well, in a couple of hours, I'll be an uncle! I'm so excited! I've decided on a gift. I'm going to give my...
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Just wanted to share with every1 that im not "unhappy" anymore...everytime I reply to a question some1 makes a comment about my username! Wished I could remove the...
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what is the best food to feed your dog on. Im really struggling to find a food to that doesnt make the dog stomach turn. Any ideas on how to make your own dog food,whats good for them and what not.?...
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do you give your dog shower regularly? i normally wash my dog once per week, but sometimes she really stinks or dirty, not sure would it be harmful to give her more showers?
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i have been with my fella 4 6 years now and he has asked me if i would contemplate going to a swinging party. Our sex life isnt exactly great. What do you think. Does it ruin a relationship?
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The year was 1964, a home birth in Romford Essex. Our sister was removed by the midwife, no funeral, no counselling no nothing. I wouild love to mark her resting place. Any help would be great....
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Are there any ways i can get rid of a flabby stomach and man boobs ? I have started using an Abs trimmer, but are there any other techniques ? i want to be completely toned down. ALso if start going...
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My puppies are 8 months old and still not house trained and they won't sleep through the night. They wake me up at about 4.30 am and then won't go back to sleep. I get up and let them out - but...
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I am very stressed at the moment but hope I will be Ok in a few days when it is resolved. At the moment however, I feel very spaced out, no concentration, find it hard to have a conversation and just...
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Would you ever promise your daughter something that you know she would really love, only to let her down (on purpose) when it finally came to getting it? If so, why would you do that?
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Have noticed in the warm weather days when we are out in the garden that a smell of drains happens every now and again. We have a manhole cover in teh garden and I have been told it picks up next...
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i come down each morning and their are slug trails all over my carpet but i can never find where they have come from and have only ever found 1 slug.i know i can use slug pellets but where are they...

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