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To Curlyfilm......and curlymilf curlylimf curlyfilm" curlyfilm! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW
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calling all you AB men out there. which one of you lucky folk is our sasha's mystery AB man she dotes upon? fess up!!!
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well are you? xXx
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Hi I have sausages and bacon left in the fridge which needs to be used today. I'd like to make a meal out of it, (but not obviously a fry up) has anyone got an ideal recipe? Thanks
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Hey guys, Well I'm getting married next year and I need some ideas for a song. My cousins are going to sing as I walk up the eisle to my guy, but I have no idea on a suitable song. Any ideas of...
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mmmm delicious, just had cheese and crackers for lunch followed by strawberrie,s, very nice, whats your lunch today/ now i'm gonna read my book ,well, in about fifteen minuites or so, its called...
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Mr Tall
I ran over a pigeon yesterday, completely by accident - But feel really guilty as I never kill spiders or insects or anything.
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You'll love this. Click here:
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I will donate 5 pounds to the charity of you choice if you can name a famous person who I can not link to David Bowie, any suggestions? such is the depth of my knowledge about this great...
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Asking all men here if you watch porn. What is your fascination with porn? I asked my boyfriend and he says its not about the women (phew) but just seeing the physical penetration and act of sex and...
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What is your warning label? abel.php For my AB name I got " Caution...IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY IT IS ADVISABLE TO KEEP WONDERWOMAN AWAY FROM FIRE AND...
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but there is loads of people on here that i don't know! if there was an AB party would you go? who from AB would you really like to meet? are you brave enough to post a pic of yourself on here? xXx
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you went to the pictures to see.
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need some music, stuff to slash your wrists by sort of thing! for some strange reason it always makes me feel better!! lol!! any suggestions? xXx
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Who was the first person you had a crush on or you thought you loved? :o) Was it an actor/actress? Or someone from school/a neighbour maybe? I had the biggest crush in the world on a boy in my class...
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What is your favourite and most hated... 1. Word. 2. Saying. 3. Accent. 4. Language.
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when was the last time someone told you they loved you? myn was last night my bf told me before we went to sleep. tia SSxxx
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what is eveyone up to tonight? and whos glad its FRIDAY! Im bored can u tell hehe xxxx tia samx
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Me and my ex girlfriend have had rocky rides together. We fell out numerous times and most recently we had a big fall out, that was, until she sent me a text message on my mobile telling me she was...
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Forget all the cover versions about camels toes etc, here is the original and one of the best songs from the eighties. I hope it inject a little bit of summer in to this cold winter. Turn up the...

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