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Is there ever a way to break the cycle of how you raise your children, if you have been raised that way? Certain method used by my parents I don't agree with, or don't agree that they worked, but I...
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i have a partner that i have been with for a year. he has a son that he was seeing regulaly then all of a sudden his ex said he cud no longer see him this went on for 8 months and put my partner...
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My daughter is 19 years old and both of us want my name to be added to her birth certificate but her mother won't, we are in no doubt i am the father but we were young when we had her and the...
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My husband is self employed, and is the only person that works in his workshop. The public occaisionally enter the premises, if he puts a sign on the door saying 'no admittance to unauthorised...
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My manfriend and I have been together for a year soon. Any ideas on a gift I could give him to make the occasion a bit special?
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well this is kindda hard to explain but i will try i met a man who was in a releationship already he was trying it on with me loads and i kept refusing even thou i really liked him anyway one night he...
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i would like to know - is it fair for my fiance of 27 to tell me that i can not visit my friend for a couple of days. I ask nothing from him financially, nor have i ever done anything for him not to...
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My boyfriend has female friend who he has known since school (he is 22) and has never been intimately involved with and he wants to be able to go for a drink with her (not that i'm not invited but for...
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Hi All Baby Picky is going to be christened at the end of August and we have decided that as there is nothing that he needs or really wants, we would like to give the money that would have been spent...
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what is the best way in to this career, I have been a gym member for 10 years and fancy a job change to something I enjoy
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Right, after that huge title... On Facebook you can set a status by completing the sentence 'Sasha13 is...' I really want to put a funny one on there. Can anyone come up with some clean (ish), funny...
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hi,i'm after some son was being bullied in school by a friends child,so i asked my friend to have a word with her son about it and she told me that my son was just as bad and she had been to...
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all, i need help here, my wee boy got a blue sleeptime ted when he was born, it snores and wears a blue hat, he adores and i want to know where i can get the same or something similar, i looked on...
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My brothers gf has recently had a baby boy he was 3 months old last week. She has only had one period since her pregnancy and now taken 3 tests which all came back positive, she said the reason she...
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Does anybody have a penpal.What with the internet/texting,i was wondering if anybody actually puts pen to paper these days?
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recentley i took the pill the morning after and i just wanted to know about any one experinces with it because is it reliable? and my breasts have really been tender after wards i took it about 2 days...
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My 2 children of 15 and 13 are due to fly by themselves abroad to visit my parents who live in Spain. ( They have done this over the past 2 years with the approval of my ex-husband.) I have a...
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Hi everyone - hope someone can help and calm me down! My partner and I are currently expecting our first child together. He has other children from a previous marriage which has yet to be ended via...
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Hi there, a local fish & chip shop keeper asked my son if he would paint the top of his wall for him in return for a bag of chips a day for a month. My son agreed, only he didnt realise it was...
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Do you think it is easier for a man to get with a woman who already has a child with someone else? Or for a woman to get with a man who already has a child with someone else? I have a couple of...

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