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Can you carify for me ED, whether you or your minions are monitoring AB

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dotty. | 18:38 Sat 15th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
75 Answers
this evening and making sure no dickeds decide to be Snags and put links up to any of the banned pictures of Kate, i'm not opening ANY LINKS at the moment. I also would really like to see a ban for any ABer who tried to post the pictures.


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\\\\\ if i think anyone has posted a link like that i can report it and i will.\\\

dotty ....that has ALWAYS been your prerogative.
I think you should calm down-but then, who am i to tell you what to do
I'm offended by Garth Brooks 'music' but do I report you every time you post a link to one of his songs?
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don't get dramatic joe,
Which thread DT and I'll go look.
'don't get dramatic joe'

Lol, like your OP you mean?
can't wait for the american norksgate film
Why would anyone want to see her topless when she is a beautiful young woman when fully clothed as shown in the picture on your avatar.
Yes exactly, lankeela. But that didn't stop the link to the nude pictures being posted on AB TWICE!
I don't see what all the fuss is about. Go to any beach and there are loads of topless women. This is 2012 NOT 1912.
Good points (hahaha) Jeza
Not a big for or anti royal but I think the big deal is that if they don't do something about this, what else will the press intrude on. If you court publicity by becoming a celebrity and constantly stick your face in their magazines, etc then you are fair game. Whilst they are obviously in the public eye they didn't 'choose' to be there.
<<Go to any beach and see loads of topless women>> Yes, one can go to any beach and see loads of topless women but those women are not the wife of the future king of England
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...women sunbathing topless on a beach should not be photographed either, or are you thinking that if a woman is on holiday and sunbathing topless on a public beach she is actually asking to be photographed by anyone who chooses to and also she should therefore expect those pictures to be flashed all over the internet?
And these women are on a public beach.
To be fair, for most of us, if we were sunbathing topless I assume that nobody would actually be interested. I just think they should lay off the royals, bit crap if you go to some private house and still get photographed. Wouldn't want that sort of life thanks.
237, Then as the wife of the future king she should have kept her top on. William knows what the press are like. I know they were in a private villa but a road ran nearby. Lots of trees too. The paparazzi can climb trees with their telephoto lenses.
"The paparazzi can climb trees with their telephoto lenses."

Well I would define that as invading privacy................
I agree Craft. As I said William should know what they are like and advised Kate not to take her top off.
Good grief, they were on holiday at a PRIVATE house. Plenty of people would be bitching if she had 'unsightly tan lines'.

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