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Can you carify for me ED, whether you or your minions are monitoring AB

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dotty. | 18:38 Sat 15th Sep 2012 | Editor's Blog
75 Answers
this evening and making sure no dickeds decide to be Snags and put links up to any of the banned pictures of Kate, i'm not opening ANY LINKS at the moment. I also would really like to see a ban for any ABer who tried to post the pictures.


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A road nearby? A telephoto lens? How mercenary can you get? It does not matter who you are, taking photos in this way is an invasion of privacy. Happy to let your nearest and dearest females be held up to public scrutiny without a top? The reactions by some male Abers have been puerile and salacious. No, don't bother attacking me for my reactions.
No different from what one sees on a French beach every day. But she was not on a French beach, is not French and has not done anything to justify the humiliation she may feel.
Private means what it says. Private.
The jokes posted were not funny and only showed how some people regard females as sexual objects, not human beings deserving respect.
"Go to any beach and see loads of topless women>> Yes, one can go to any beach and see loads of topless women but those women are not the wife of the future king of England"

Other parts of the United Kingdom are available.
Daisy, calm down. The paparazzi hounded Williams mother. He knew what they were like. Yes it was an invasion of their privacy. So as already said he should have advised his wife to keep her top on.
Speaking of t!ts, can you change your avatar back to Garth

Having a pic of Kate with "dotty." underneath it is much worse than a grainy topless pic taken on a blackberry phone
Thanks for that ELVIS, I thought it was the burd from the Turkish Delight ads.
I could just go a Turkish Delight !!!!
He should have advised his wife? What century are you living in? In any case, as far as I am concerned taking photos with a telescopic lens sighted on a private residence is an invasion of privacy.
I'd be pretty peed off if it was me.
Daisy. You are going over the top here. Have you never advised your husband on doing OR not doing something.
Daisy, she's had a topless pic taken while sunbathing, big deal.

Didn't hear many complaints when Pippas arse overshadowed the royal wedding
Diana courted the media. William and Kate have been very generous with their publicity shots and have been careful outside of them. She's very conservative in how she dresses. She doesn't try to attract media attention. She thought she couldn't be seen. It's a complete invasion of privacy.
Didn't hear many complaints when Pippas arse overshadowed the royal wedding

What's that got to do with the price of fish?
While I tend to agree that it's an invasion of privacy, it's naieve to think someone who has little money won't at some point take opportunist pictures which they can sell for a lifechanging amount of money. It's all very well for everyone to be 'outraged' but a lot of people would happily do that for the type of money those pics will change hands for and Prince William can't possibly begin to have the vaguest idea of what life is like for some people or that he wouldn't do the same in their situation. I wouldn't personally do it, but I don't think the photographers are on their way to hell, in fact I feel it's a bit of a storm in a teacup.
A teacup Nox, not a B cup.
Or a B cup.
-- answer removed --
At the end of the day it's not going to damage her reputation, if anything it'll endear her more to the British public.

The only people who'll get any gratification out of this is the Italians and Turks
Pippa's arse as you so delicately put it was covered. She knew she would be photographed.
Jeza, I am a widow. My husband had common sense. Should I be fainting at your insensitivity? What if I were never married?
Yes, Pippas arse was covered, by every newspaper and lads mag for months.

The general public couldn't give a toss about Kate's topless pics, if she'd whipped them out in a nightclub then yes but sunbathing no
It was a gross invasion of privacy – and the gutter press are always going to get photographs by devious means – but the fact is the pictures are now in the public domain and whilst I really can’t understand why anyone with any sense would be remotely interested in seeing them, I certainly wouldn’t ban someone for posting them. So she sunbathed topless. So what!

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