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Is It True That Mods Can Remove Their Own Posts?

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ladybirder | 15:19 Mon 23rd Feb 2015 | Editor's Blog
205 Answers
I see a couple of ABers have referred to a mod removing his/her own posts. Is this allowed? And how would we know who had removed a post although I suppose it is highly unlikely one mod would remove the post of another mod. Just interested as if it's true it seems unfair to me. Any thoughts?


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Wouldn't you miss me, Prudie?
or................. might be better if we knew who the mods were ?
OMG I retract my statement, hadn't thought of that....
-- answer removed --
// might be better if we knew who the mods were ? //

We do, but it'd better if they had a visible badge for transparency instead of being all cloak and dagger about it as if it's a big deal.
// I think the real problem is not knowing who the mods are, but rather knowing that two of them are among the worst offenders when it comes to being snidey and personal. //

..I think that's why some of them want to remain undercover.
Actually we don't ludwig, we know of about 5 between us, maybe a handful we suspect and then a lot we have no idea. That's my understanding anyway.
I agree with B00 - this thread seems an unstoppable flood of trivia
You know who some of us are ludwig, because we don't mind you knowing that we are. Others would mind, and frankly, I don't blame them for wanting it kept quiet. I really do think that some of you forget we're also AB users as well.
And I still don't get why it's deemed necessary to know who we all are- does it make a difference how you treat them? As it is, I don't think I get the deference I deserve despite me having these awesome powers and you lot knowing that I do.
Love you, Boo xx
There are some ex coppers on here who still crave the power to control. We have excellent Mods on here, at least they won't throw you down the stairs.
// Actually we don't ludwig, we know of about 5 between us, maybe a handful we suspect and then a lot we have no idea.//

How do you know there's alot we have no idea about if we have no idea about them?

It all sounds very sinister. Much like the Freemasons, we can only hope they're using their powers for good and not evil but we have no way of knowing for sure.
Wub you B00bies, you're my favouritist mod ever.
Well i did do a head count of us at the Christmas party at AB towers ludwig, but I lost count after four thousand.
Heyyyy CD!

Don't see nearly enough of you now you're covered in baby snot all the time :P
For goodness sake people it's a forum.... A good one that you all visit on a regular basis.. It's well moderated...If you don't like it, don't visit. The mods don't get paid they do it because they like the site (I would suspect)
I don't know at all. I thought I had gleaned from the many threads about mods that have popped up over the years that there were well over 20+. It would make sense if there were even more.
Pah, went down with D&V last week; snot would have been a welcome break :-/
I love you too B00 xx and you CD xx

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