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ToraToraTora | 10:46 Mon 08th Jun 2020 | Editor's Blog
131 Answers
It was closed down before I could respond. Ok It's the odd swear I use that is the bone of contention. I get that, I will no longer try and bypass the swear filter. Though I do think that the odd minor swear word does garnish writing that is meant too emulate the peaks and trough's of speech rather than an essay.


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I'm shocked that anyone would have the Gaul to add an Asterix!
11:11 Mon 08th Jun 2020
Douglas - very witty lol
ymb - I think you need a lie down; you must have worked very hard with your crow-bar to get that into this thread....
That was very good, Douglas.
Not really JTH.

A comment was made about not tolerating the way a minority
element of the British people use English. If that was said a bout say Jamaicans you lot would be all up in arms.

Shouldn't we all be more tolerant and accept people express themselves in different ways?
This thread refers to the way in which an ABer phrases his posts on *this* forum.....nothing to do with the wider-world.

He has no reason to write his posts in the way he does and we *all* have to temper our more colourful language when participating on here, or we stand to have our posts removed.
Has TTT not been asked by at least one ED not to use rhyming slang, or words to that effect?
-- answer removed --
Off topic. Bumped into that diabetic lad, yesterday. He's getting all sorts of benefits, already. Health assessments over the phone, lol.
Hmm interesting thread but there are other ways of ridiculing people on chat sites other than swearing at them such as trying to look down your nose at them
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"I'm shocked that anyone would have the Gaul to add an Asterix!"
well dougy gotta hand it to you, that's class, BA
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"A comment was made about not tolerating the way a minority
element of the British people use English. If that was said a bout say Jamaicans you lot would be all up in arms. " - can we use jive, I wonder!
Cheers. :-)
As long as it's only "Jive talking"
"Were you the teacher's pet in school, corby?" Is that the best you can come up with?

Poor, very poor.
what about "chuckfickens" and his other name,lol.
can we use jive, I wonder

go ahead and use it... if you're Jamaican.
TTT, even if Cockneys were a protected minority, you're not a Cockney, are you?
What about Geordie? is that allowed? cos some gadgies a gannin' proper radgie on here for nowt like ,man pet. ;-)
Like another ABer has said - I swear sometimes when talking, but not in writing, but I have resorted to the asterisk. However, there are swear words and SWEAR words and there are two I use frequently that I hardly would call swear words these days, and one stronger one that I only use at home with great gusto.
// 'Your wife, sir, under the pretext of keeping a bawdy house, is a receiver of stolen goods."//

and oh god typos everywhere
for this to work - it has - hasnt it , to be:

'Your wife, sir, under the pretext of keeping a bawdy house, is a receiver of swollen goods."

one little letter can make a word of difference

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