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ToraToraTora | 10:46 Mon 08th Jun 2020 | Editor's Blog
131 Answers
It was closed down before I could respond. Ok It's the odd swear I use that is the bone of contention. I get that, I will no longer try and bypass the swear filter. Though I do think that the odd minor swear word does garnish writing that is meant too emulate the peaks and trough's of speech rather than an essay.


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I'm shocked that anyone would have the Gaul to add an Asterix!
11:11 Mon 08th Jun 2020
Tora makes his own up tho. Try googling TROB or TROP.
i don't particularly...just challenging the "everybody knows" assertion
I've Googled TROP - still don't know what it stands for
//Anyway, Tora. According to the terms of the McPherson Report, if you feel like an oppressed minority, you are one.//

Funny that Spicey. I thought of McPherson a couple of days ago when sqad wrote he had woken up a racist and the more he saw of the antics in London by BLM the more racist he became.
I thought lucky you mate. At least you made your choice. I, and at least two others on AB, were branded as racist over night by an old queen who embezzles his money in the House of Lords. I have the good fortune never to have met him. I wonder if he knows who the arresting officers were for the killers of Damilola Taylor and eventually Stephen Lawrence.I bet McPherson never met them either.
Thanks jno
Transportation Railway Operating Battalion
according to my internet search
Anyway, I've noticed particularly on this forum, people (even relatively sensible posters) tend to mangle names for things they are insulting and I don't understand why. the beep beep see (?) elf and safety (?) oooman rites (?) meeja
oh god are we still 'at it' ?
carping I mean
yeah really carping as in whining uselessly but yet endlessly

yeah after pulling down the statue
why dont they all march to Clifton and burn down those lovely Georgian Houses which were built on slave money?

now there is a thought - - - - perhaps not taught that at skool
// the beep beep see (?) step for ward Togo (previous site of German slavery and imperialism
elf and safety (?) - yeah guess who - - TTT
oooman rites (?) meeja - - - - TTT claims 'credit'

at least when I use the wrong name - they are at least - light witty frou-froux - like Togo - jerk or TTT - completely brain dead ......
bednobs, I think the idea is to suggest that the people who say these things are always so illiterate they can't talk proper. Some might think it's more likely to make them look illiterate
is it? well I never knew that!
13.28 in idiot language, its supposed to mean, The rest of the people.
I'm guessing. You'd have to ask the perpetrators, but they may be reluctant to give away trade secrets!
If some people get annoyed by the way others express themselves then that's just too bad. We're all individuals and practically anybody is going to annoy somebody at some time.
This site would be a lot less interesting without 3Ts posts, acronyms or not. TTFN. x
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13:55 that would be TROTP - oh dear!
TROTP is the name for the puddles left on the route of a march, resulting from public lavvies being closed.
TTT's acronyms are, at best, incomprehensible to normal people or, at worst, downright offensive.
In addition he has been warned to address/refer to ABers by their correct pseudonym rather than fabricating an offensive name for those same people - he continues to ignore the warning.
He twists what others have said, maybe months ago, into what they did not say.
He ridicules firmly held beliefs of others.
I could go on and on but......
-- answer removed --
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"He ridicules firmly held beliefs of others." - only those that deserve to be ridiculed.

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