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My Little Dog

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Connemmara | 20:29 Mon 18th Mar 2013 | Pets
42 Answers
For some quite time now my dog who is nearly nine now - I am finding I am losing out on my social life.

For eg one friend asked me to her granddaughter's party
1. going away for one day trips
2. going out for the night more than 5 or 6 hours long
3. staying out all night
4. christenings
5. weddings - so many of them all

you know what I am getting at - there is nobody in the house for company for him and if and when I do go out - even to the supermarket - I sorta worry about him - can't keep him in the house because of the weeing and if he is outside I know he barks. Last time I was only on a foreign holiday for 4 days I put him in a kennel but everybody knows their own - he doesn't like it.

Am in a bit of a dilemma cos I do want to be a bit more social cos someday my mobile days will come to an end. Can anybody help me - thanks

No, no friends will take him


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I have to say I did not think I would have received so many cruel comments because I absolutely love him - sombody suggested I was thinking of getting rid of him - where did that come from - I never suggested that First posting I done I googled and I have found a lady who adores dogs and will take him for the day etc - she keeps them in her home I think she has a few - and last night met a young couple who came over to me and begged me - left their phone number and told me to ring them if I ever needed them - they left their number on my mobile phone - so please keep your cruel comments to yourself and for Lankeela I told you many years ago to keep your comments to yourself and not to me cos I really understand how you love your pets so much but you come across as a person who doesn't even like people.
What type of dog is he?
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rescue dog so between I think Jack Russell and corgi cos he has a long body and a human mind reader - really unbelievable - so you can stick you cruel comments where the sun don't shine
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Connemmara - good for you -you stick up for yourself ;-) -there are some nasty pieces of work on here that just seem to hover around until someone posts something they don't like then swoop on them telling them what they think of them without even giving any constructive advice. You obviously love you pet and are trying your best - your initial post perhaps did not reflect what you actually wanted to say -that you were worried about your pet -but hopefully you will have sorted it out and found some 'babysitters' for him.
Magsmay -----Well said!
I watched this thread unfolding with interest. I think regular contributors have already commented on the way Connemara posts questions. She posts as she speaks and if people would just take the time, without jumping all over her, they would realise what she was getting at.
I remember my first post, which I did as a light hearted joke about my wife as a way of introducing myself. It didn't take too long before I was getting snide remarks that put me off posting for a while.
Let's all give a bit of leeway before we start attacking people.
my yorky does busness on newspper on kitchen vinyl floor wen he cant get out, new pper daily and mop floor his food and water is nearby. His bed is in carpeted lounge. He stays home alone wen I shop but is walked daily. He sleeps in my car if I go far. He is a happy, friemdly dog. I can leave all day or get friend care for a w/e. Train your dog to do same.
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Thanks for some for some of your kind answers - but I did not want to post that when I got him 9 years ago I was of great health but my health has deteriorated.
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I submitted too quick - Thanks for some for some of your kind answers - but I did not want to post in the beginning that when I got him 9 years ago I was of great health but my health has deteriorated.
1 I suffer from fibromyalgia
2. Last night I fell down a step and sustained a very badly sprained ankle and am in agony writing this but had to be done.
3. 3 weeks ago my foot caught around a venetian blind and I fell onto the floor and got 2 black eyes and broke my glasses
4..4 years on a trip abroad I broke an ankle, a tooth and my upper shoulder at the one time - which I still gyp with - just back from physio yesterday

So it is not all about me - it is about my health as well and let me tell you no I won't never give him up because my friends cannot get over the way he plays with a big football - they say he would give Geordie Best for his money -

I get him groomed every 3 months - he gets his annual injections and I pay insurance money every month for him - he gets the best of food - no horse
sh t for him that some of yous have been eating. Oh yes he is very neglected.

your dog loves and trusts you but his territory is your home and where he feels safest. Leave him indoors when you shop or visit friends, its not wrong. Give him an old shoe to chew or dog bone to keep him busy but keep him.
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Index I am keeping him - perhaps (hurtful commentators) did pick it up the wrong way - if somebody could or would the hurtful comments - you probably could call it cyber bullying!
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Mags - pay heed to your own words!!
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I've only just read this-and like others,I am shocked and disgusted by some of the remarks on here. Why is it that seemingly intelligent people can be so heartless,and write without thinking?
Conne-credit to you for speaking up...and even more so for explaining what your own problems are-that was a brave thing to do...but it's a shame you even need to justify yourself in that way.
I do hope the pet sitter works for you-and you can enjoy a bit more of a social life without needing to worry about your little dog.
Oh dear Conne, you ain't half been in the wars, sorry to hear about your mishaps.

Great news about the wee dog though - really pleased to hear it. I hope you'll let us know how you/he gets on.
As someone who deals on a daily basis with dogs that are given up for often pathetic reasons I make no apologies for posting what I did when the original post said she was missing out on her social life.
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Lankeela you look after your dog/s and I'll look after mine without you nosying in
Why not find a "hobby" which involves the day ..... obedience classes, dog agility, or think about doing the Good Citizen course, or even joining the Pets as Therapy scheme ................ then you might not feel so back when you leave him sometimes ................... and better training with regard to the weeing will help - but agree that much more than 5 hours is too long. Plenty of dog sitters/walkers out there. Do you not have a responsible teenage relative nearby who would be glad of a couple of pounds to walk him or check on him if you're having a big night out - or have a big night in occasionally, where everyone comes ot you and you cook or order takeaway ...... and if you do this at another friends house, can pooch not join you??

Failing this - find him a home where he can have more human interaction ..... I don't agree with some posts you have received which are negative towards you ........... I believe you care about your dog and feel bad about leaving him etc etc ....... so unless you can change the way you social etc, he needs to go somewhere else - animal charities will help fin new home - but try and hold on to him until he goes to his new home, it would be such a shame if he had to go into rehoming kennels, as although they are well looked after, they are very stressful places.
chrisgel - I agree with you about your first post. I remember when I posted mine, a light hearted comment about someone I fancied on Corrie, but he was playing a rapist and my God you should have read the flack I got from certain Abers! You'd have thought I said I fancied a REAL rapist !!!!

Glad you've solved your dilemma Connemmara.

And yes Lankeela - you do come across as a bit of a know it all and you actually breed dogs when there are already too many anyway with not enough decent homes ! Madness .....

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