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My Little Dog

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Connemmara | 20:29 Mon 18th Mar 2013 | Pets
42 Answers
For some quite time now my dog who is nearly nine now - I am finding I am losing out on my social life.

For eg one friend asked me to her granddaughter's party
1. going away for one day trips
2. going out for the night more than 5 or 6 hours long
3. staying out all night
4. christenings
5. weddings - so many of them all

you know what I am getting at - there is nobody in the house for company for him and if and when I do go out - even to the supermarket - I sorta worry about him - can't keep him in the house because of the weeing and if he is outside I know he barks. Last time I was only on a foreign holiday for 4 days I put him in a kennel but everybody knows their own - he doesn't like it.

Am in a bit of a dilemma cos I do want to be a bit more social cos someday my mobile days will come to an end. Can anybody help me - thanks

No, no friends will take him


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look lonline for dog sitters? x
Agree with above, there is a great bloke in my neck of the woods who has a business called Company for Dogs. He's a real dog lover and doesn't charge a fortune. I've used him once when I was desperate and would recommend him to anyone. Look for one in your area. To be honest though, I'd rather have my lovely dog with me and forgoe a social life so long as he's happy. Their time with us is short enough.
Should you not have considered this before getting the dog?

Why is your dog weeing - perhaps better training is needed.

We had dogs growing up and they were trained well and we could go out all day without coming home to a puddle!

Sorry if I sound harsh but you come across really selfish!
Here's an idea - find him a home where he will be appreciated and not considered an imposition on the owner's social life. Can't believe what I was reading.
Thank you lankeela, I thought it was only me who felt this way!
Too. right lankeela
As the owner of a dog with CCD can I just say you do not deserve to be a Dog owner, what a selfish attitude
Can't believe you are thinking of getting rid of a dog you have brought up for 9 years! Just because he impacts on your social life! There are ways round it as others have suggested.
There are worse owners though. Some don't give a damn how long they leave their dog.
How do you know the OP has had the dog for 9 years? she may have got it a couple of years ago as a rescue - As for the rest of you -For Funks Sake stop pontificting the OP has asked for advice not finger wagging.
Connemmara -if you can't cope with your dog why not approach an animal charity to take the dog for you? -it will be better in the long run for both you and the dog. If in future if you feel the need for an animal companion -when your mobile days come to an end -a cat would be much more suitable as they require less attention than a dog. Try and do the best thing for your pet -you don't sound as if you should be having the commitment of an animal at the moment
I don't think she's a bad owner she states she worries about him when popping to the supermarket, I just think she is lonely and sees that owning him limits her a bit which it does if you own any animal. I think the dog sitter idea is excellent and most dogs can happily go for quite a while without needing to wee, so perhaps reinforce his toilet training.
I think the solution you're looking for is to have him put down. As you said he is nine now and it's much more important for you to be able to go out and f do the things you want to do.

Or, look after him properly.
What sort of dog is he Connemmara and what are you hoping for, are you trying to find someone to have him or are you looking for advice? I think some of the replies are quite nasty and hurtful, she was only asking advice.
Plus a dog can in fact be a great help with your social life. My nephew used to walk Max and often commented he'd never met as many friendly people, including one young lady who is his now wife, as he had while walking Max, especially when he was a pup. They've since got their own dog, also a GSD, a girl called Bella and she goes virtually every where with them. Pity they live so far away or Trish and I could borrow her every now and then.
kennels or a dog sitter. if you are training your dog properly, then it will be able to adjust to this. it is what being a pet owner is all about, i'm afraid.
A dog is for life Conn, they are a massive responsibility and I cant believe you dont want to bother with him - 9 isnt old at all, not sure what dog he is though, does he have health issues - have you taken him to the vet for a check up ? Please dont give up on him.
WE may sound harsh but a dog is for life and all that. If anyone asks me about getting a dog I always advise them to think of it as having another child cos thats the commitment you need.
Yes a dog is for life it doesn't mean no-one is allowed to ask for advice ever surely?
silliemillie -the OP was not asking your opinion on getting a dog -she has a problem and would probably appreciate non- judgmental advice
Conne, I do hope you can rise above some of the cruel comments that have been made on this thread.

How sad for you, you can't even go to the shops without worrying about him. As a person living alone, that must be awful.

Do you get on with the neighbours? Any chance they could help you with him occasionally?

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