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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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a nice bath mat has landed on our patio. I wonder where that came from? It could have come from the flat above, but it couldn't just have dropped, it would have to have been thrown with great vigour to have landed where it has. Maybe it fell off the back of a roc?
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Morning all
Nice and bright but cold ,more rain on the way later though.The temps go up and down like a yo yo.
That's very strange Jno.Perhaps it's blown off someone's washing line.
Yes, the programmes are not exactly true to the books Woofy.I've only watched two episodes so far. The books are far more raunchy.
This more often than not always happens though when books are adapted for film or television.
I wondering now how you managed to "accidentally"buy a coat Robinia :) Did it jump into your trolley ?
Hope you're all ok.
Jno, your bathmat sounds like Robi's accidental coat
Neti creeps in sheepishly. I've just written a huge post on old thread! Feel so stupid. Am not repeating it. Sorry.
Shaney I hope your brother has the ok asap!
Neti creeps out again so embarrassed!
we left the bathmat in the hall and it's vanished so maybe someone had accidentally thrown it some distance onto our patio. There's probably a place for him or her in the Olympic shot-putting team.

jno jnr has exchanged contracts today and is planning to complete and move out/in over the weekend. OH is going to see Take That tomorrow night. Sometimes I feel I lead the most boring life in the street.
Morning's wet and very, very dark. I might do my cards, I had my first one through the post yesterday.

Oh you know how it is shaney, it's a bit like you and your handbags. I'd seen it online, it was waiting there as I walked through the doors and I fell into it's open arms. :)

How is your OH jno? I like Take That too.
I've been known to shake dusters out of the upstairs window, accidentally let go and watch them fly away. The neighbours must think I'm trying to tell them something.

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Morning all
Dull and miserable,raining.
Haha Robinia.There was a lady on The Chase yesterday who well outhandbagged me. Brad asked what she would do with the money if she won.She told him she had a thing for handbags and shoes and at the last count had about forty handbags and would buy some Louboutins with the money.They lost the final chase though.
Good luck to Jno jnr in his new home Jno.Hope your OH is much better now and enjoys the concert.
Better go and do something constructive ,like getting washed and dressed.

Morning. Good luck jno jnr. . W
Taken me 5 hrs to decorate the front room and outside xmas tree. Looks ok. Will do main tree tomorrow, as its big and need the room to get the cooker in the house this afternoon.
I don't know anything about Take That and I doubt OH does either, mainly because I haven't had a radio since about 1980 - I had a wonky one that would never stay on the station and in the end I gave up, I wasn't that much interested in music at the time, and over the years I have saved thousands of hours, which I spend playing solitaire.

I don't know how long it will take jno jnr to move absolutely everything out ... it took me 40 years, so I can't really complain. But a little more space would be welcome.
Cooker is spending the night on the van as too heavy for both of us to get it up tje 9 steps to the patio. Its really heavy!! Hes going out in the am to get help. Nuisance!
Ah por fin finally tree is up.and decorated! Took 2 hours!
Beautiful sunny day.
Cooker is still in husbands van!
a day of mixed fortunes here. The dogs have been absolutely determined not to get in the car since shughy went to the vet at the end of september. We have been working towards it since then and today thery happily jumped in and out of the car several times and didn't even mind when I shut the cage door. This is MEGA. The less good is that last time I shut the car, i musthave left the pritective cover thatgoes under the dog cage and catches mud and so on, sticking out a bit. Its been very wet here and the cover has wicked ater into the car under the cage which is now damp and mouldy. Its nothing unfixable, I have left the car open to air and am washing the bed covers but its an extra blooming job I didn't need.
Oh woofy what a trial!
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Hello all
Not sunny here,just dull and dreary.
Oh what a pain Woofy,but at least you know the boys are amenable to getting in the car again.
You're very efficient with the decorations Neti.I haven't even though about it yet but I must get organised soon as I can't rush about like I used to do.Hope you soon get that cooker indoors and you can get cooking !
Good afternoon...yet another miz, wet day. It doesn't help with the ole SAD one bit.
No Christmas tree here but my cards are done and posted...I've still got odds and ends to buy. The good news is I won another £30 on the lotto last night, this new payout seems to have changed my luck. A few more noughts added on would be most welcome though, I've got my eye on a big house 10 mins away from the Tarquins. I'd helicopter you all in like Celebs in the jungle.

No radio? Oh I've always got the radio on (until the television takes over in the evening) but I must admit it goes off a lot at the moment too, bloomin xmas songs. Bah! Humbug.
I confess I love playing all of the solitaire collection games, spider solitaire, freecell, pyramid etc.

Oh dear, it's too dark to do any domestic engineering, what a shame.
Cooker being sorted tomorrow morning
I have finally written my xmas cards and them.tomorrow as its Fiesta today and Saturday
Still snowy village to set up which I love but need cotton wool for the snow
It is a bother shaney but I feel I cant give up on Xmas.
just done all my cards this evening. Writing the same thing 30 times is tedious, but maybe some recipients will read them.
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Snap Jno,I wrote some this evening so I'm getting in the mood.
Had to phone for the German deli order in the end as they had the things I want in stock today but have changed their website and although I could view my basket I couldn't find where to pay for it.I couldn't get down the page which is a mystery. They were a model of efficiency though and it'll all be here tomorrow.The prices have shot up though.
Supposed to be a wild and windy night and heavy rain so sleep as tight you can. Night all.
Ooh..and well done Robinia.Lend us a tenner:)
Hi all
Just back from our anniversary dinner
I had 6 delicious oysters and a salmon kebab. It was all so delicious and expensive. Well £20 for the oysters alone. Really enjoyed it. I loved being in the village amongst all the Hubble and bubble. Its time to move I think

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