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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Also got our food order. The biggest gammon I've ever seen. What does one do with it?
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Cook it Neti,in your fab new cooker :) You can always freeze any you don't eat.I chop up what's left,if there is any, and use it in a pasta dish or a chicken and ham pie.All our lovely goodies arrived this morning.Can't have our traditional Christmas Eve meal without the proper stuff.
It sloshed down here until early afternoon and now it's blowing a gale.Nothing else exciting to report. Over and out for now .
Sleep tight.
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I knew I'd forgotten something.
BONG BING Jno. Lucy alert.
ooh, thank you, shaney. She'll have to walk on her knees if she's trying on Victoria's clothes, though.
morning all. Car saga gets worse here. I got a proper look at it yesterday and its wetter than I thought with patches of mould on one seat. I decided to bite the bullet and get it valeted. Found a bloke who specialises in dealing with cars with wet interiors so he is coming wednesday to sort it. Heigh ho its only money. After it has been cleaned and treated, I have to run the heater for 3 hours to dry it out properly. House is now full of damp coats, shopping bags, dog towels and so on and washing machine is on overtime. Still the winter plaid curtains are up, and most ofthe christmas decs including 2 nativities.
Morning all...bright and sunny now after the lashing rain and howling wind woke me up at some unearthly hour.

Ooh neti, six oysters eh? I couldn't eat one, I'm not very adventurous foodwise. I've just got some frozen lamb mince out so I'll be doing something unexciting with that.

I'll watch that too shaney...and your tenner's in the post. :)

I think I'll drag the xmas stuff out and just stare at it for a couple of days as I usually do.
Hello, oh I am suffering from an excess of wine, and I think the oysters were fighting in my stomach most of the night! Had a fab night but oooh, managed to do everything and shopping and even accompanied Mr N for our usual Saturday drinks. Then put on house our and snuggled by the fire and dozed. The new cooker is fab with auto ignition. I've just had bread and jam and a cuppa. But how do I cook the common Shaney? It's 4 kilos and sister boils hers and then roasts it and thats a small Lidl one!
I did not, of course, put on the house, I put on house pjs !
All decorating done. Yesterday i did my lovely snowy village with skating rink and campers round a fire from Dubai.
I do have the Belen which is the Nativity scene also
Oh no! So how do I cook a huge lump of pork which has no.legs and no bones? There is that ok?
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Cut it in half Neti and freeze the other half for another time.
I just boil it to get the salt out then criss cross the fat ,shove it in the oven covered with foil until it's nearly cooked ,take it out and brush the criss crosses with honey or maple syrup and stick it back in until it's nice and brown on top.
It's been a nice bright day here but very chilly with the wind.
That's a pain in the proverbial for you Woofy.Something you don't really need at this time of year.Still,you'll have a nice clean car afterwards.
Thank you Robinia .It'll be next Christmas by the time he gets here :)
Morning all...cloudy but the wind's eased. Bloomin' rain kept waking me up. I had a very vivid dream about Simon Cowell...who'd have thought.....

I've won the lotto again...but only a LD for two numbers. I'm guessing there won't be a big win until xmas (or even new year)....of course there's no jiggery pokery going on.

Oooh, I used to love common and pineapple.
hello all car much drier today which is good as mould less likely to grow. Have made some christmas cards, packed up middle sis' s family parcels in a huge box and booked a courier collection for tomorrow, washed the summer curtains and dog bed covers, sorted out the kitchen cupboard and eaten a piece of panetone as big as my two fists. Its delicious, like a huge fruity cloud lovely and soft and not dry.
Morning all
Oh yes weve been tucking into the panettone too covered with butter. My woofy you have been busy! We had a lazy day s d eentbto Talamanca a tiny village) and sat on the coast having a couple of drinks in a little bar. Do funny
Then Mr N made a tortilla which we had for lunch. That was it for the lazy day.
We are planning on having the common on NYE. I shall leave it all up to Mr N

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Morning all
Nice bright one but cold and it's not raining ,hooray.
I've never had panetone.It always looks like a dry cake to me but if you say it isn't Woofy,I might try one as I'm not keen on rich fruit cake.
Nothing exciting happening here.I'm pleased your sorted with your common Neti. Hope the rest of you are all ok.
Panettone is sort of dry. And not much fruit and I pick out the peel. Can get it with chocolate drops but not for me.
Well done to anyone who deciphered my post! Fat fingers.
Wondering what I can cook for dinner on my new cooker with my new Saucepans!!
wondering what to do with all this extra space now jno jnr has left the building. It may take weeks to expand enough to fill it.
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Hello all
Very cold out there but bright.Accu were forecasting snow for us first thing but I think they've changed their minds now.
You'll soon find something to put in the empty spaces Jno.Brexit supplies :)
Nothing much doing here but I am going out to lunch tomorrow with my brother,two nieces and a great niece which I'm looking forward to.He's paying :)
Hope you're all ok .

Hi there. Been busy putting house on market and searching for somewhere to live. Not a happy experience. We have been here for 40 years! Basically stairs are killing me and we can't install a stair lift for various reasons. So a bungalow it must be. But it must be a bungalow where we are very private and that's not easy. However we have one which is reasonable at the edge of Holt, with countryside not far away. So Mr Mophead has reluctantly agreed he could perhaps live there. But until we sell we cant make a firm offer. Will be suitable for me to buy one of those ghastly mobility scooters because my walking ability is disappearing quickly. My spine is officially knackered and beyond repair as is my pelvis, feet, hips and shoulders. Nough of gloomy stuff............. been looking back a few pages to make sure you are still running. See Neti is cooking a common! We are eating in a local pub on Christmas day. Cooking these days is a joint effort and it will be nice to sit back and be waited on. Son and wife will walk the 12 miles down to Holkham with the dog and take a small tent and a picnic. Their idea of a blissful Christmas day! He cooks a curry in the evening. They will come to us Boxing Day for pressies, drinks and a bits and pieces buffet.

Hope to join you all more again when I get to know you better!

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