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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Keep right on, shaney keep right on - stiff upper lip and all that girl!! We didn't win the war just to be beaten by technology. Yes I have been reading "Nella Last's War".
oooh, storm brewing over Norfolk

well whatever it is mrs s it wormed it's way into my puta the moment my back was turned for a couple of taskbar had doubled in size & my desktop had been rearranged & I ended up in Acapulco...send that Picky person to my office tout de suite.

I have managed to sort it - it now tells me the day as well as the time....oh, hang on there seems to be a new cam facility

crikey, Vinny's really milking it
Mine's gone slow again.
EXCUSE ME neti!!!
If you don't mind!!

Ha ha Robi and Neti, I think I'll remember that striped Robinia walking stick on my deathbed! Some images seem to engrave themselves on your brain - this should be one of them!

Alright biddies, it's time for our exercises. Robinia needs them for her back, and I do too (herniated discs and an almost straight back, a constant plague) so here we go!

I've checked my balls now, Shaney (mint condition) and made a few phone calls - one of them to Norway... "My" yarn, Drops Alpaca, is sold at The Sewing Rooms in London and at Scandinavian Knitting Design in Berkshire. Click on Garnstudio Drops design. Mine's top right. / Duh again ;-) of course you have all sorts of needle sizes in the UK - what I meant was that I'm not sure that needle size 2,5 here is the same size as 2,5 over at your end of the world. Thirty years ago it wasn't... or at least there were different size systems for crochet hooks.

"Sew a few together", yes how many would that be, pray, Vinny? Oh it's no bother, I have a ruler somewhere...

Hi again woofy, well no actually I think we have the same kind of climate, only we get it two days later here...

jno that Babel thing was very funny.

Bye for now!

I am slowly losing the will to live .

They are letting of ruddy fireworks off out the back here and any minute now I swear will turn the hose on them if we have much more of it .It's night after s o d d i n g night . And they are sooo loud .I don't mind on the day but Bonfire night seems to go on and on until after Christmas these days for some reason.

I am sending you a link Kit ..I can send mail but can't receive any .Grrrrrrrrrr! I am not sending you a link Kit's lost all me addresses.
< the other eyelid....>

ooh, thats enough gymnast-sticks for me, I'll snap sommink

bonsoir grumpees...ooh don't get me started about fireworks (again)...just been on the bean cans & string to my sister & it was like a war zone outside my window. We've grumped about everything & everybody, used language that would make your twink perm stand on end & decided we're going to start a revolution...sometime next week...if it's not too cold....

funnily enough I was going to have a stick insect as my avatar if & when we're able but I think they've got too many of those byte oojars & it has to be a GIF.....all foreign to me.
funny, but we have had very little in the way of fireworks round here - quite a few round Nov 5 and Diwali but not a lot on other nights, compared with the last few years where it's been a nonstop barrage from September to Christmas. Maybe the shops have been stopped from selling them, or maybe the public disembowelling of malefactors by the council is starting to take effect. What do Swedes do for fireworks, Kit? Is there some anniversary for which they are traditionally brought out, like Independence day in America and Nov 5 in Britain?

Oh, we don't have continental knitting measurements in the UK, everything is still sold in old-fashioned Imperial Yards Julia-GWR-webb.jpg
mmm, looks like knitted dishcloths from jno this xmas

<note to self....cancel 1 Fortnum hamper>
I am still trying to finish last Christmas's socks, Robinia tting_machine1.jpg

turning the heel's always been a bit of a problem for me
Oooh I have just looked at your link for Scandanavian Knitting Design Kit ..there are thousands of free patterns and all translated into english .There's enough stuff on there to keep me amused for years ! Thank you xx
Tut .. Jno can't go around in unturned heels ..we can't have Holey socks
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<<Prays he dont get no socks fer xmas>>
My avatar wasnt a gift robinia,mine fell off the back of a avatar site <<wink wink>># its not easy crossing the second life border with a lorry full of avatars I can tell you....them border guards have got machine guns you know..!!
well Im going to work this morning and its rather cold and windy and wet yo out there....and I still feel Zonked out.But somebodys got to get some greenbacks fer the biddys xmas presents.
Did you get the biddys e.mail addys shaney.I sent them by pidgeon post,just in case. catch yous later dudes>>>(:O)
Morning all - Good old Vinny off to work to keep us in the manner to which we are accustomed!!!

Lot of chattering going on here last night, when I was esconsed in front of TV! My log effect fire blew all the leccy so am not best pleased. Will lug it outside after coffee and give it a jolly good going over and remedy the situation. I like sitting with a glow of a fire in the evenings without all the mess and trouble of a real fire. The troubles of being a modern Spanish housewife 63.
Where are youall! Is there some secret coffee morning that I?m not invited to??(or to which I am not invited?) Have sorted out fire insert, all blazing away merrily, as it should., Off to clean the kitchen drawers.
oh keep ya draws on's hard staying in a straight line in this wind but I'm here now, so fire away....hahahaha - fire away, geddit?..... what hearth shattering stories have you got?? ....oh, there I go again, lol, rofl, pmsl.....

<that'll teach her>

take it easy Vinny, this lot might be demanding but I'm very cheap....apparently.

Morning all That windy 'ere me plastic chairs are blowing all round the garden! It's B****y blowing a gale.
The paper collectors have been here and the papers are all over the place. Frightened the man to death this morning, I nearly missed him and dashed out in me dressing gown and bare feet and me hair sticking up all over the place.
Don't talk to me about knitting. I'm still re-knitting a jumper I unpicked 2 years ago. I knew I wouldn't wear it so I'm knitting it up from another pattern. All it needs is sewing up and the neck doing. Haven't got round to it yet! Too lazy.
Hope you are all ok today. See you later :o)
Windy?? Have you all been eating sprouts then?? Nice and sunny 'ere, but how much rubbish can one stuff in a kitchen drawer? It's taking longer than all the other rooms put together, and I have to mend the drawers as I go. Hey ho, press on netigirl.
that's it then I'm doomed

I'll just crawl into Vinny's chimbley & be off then

don't mention papers Jude it was lifting a big bag of them that put the kibosh on my already dodgy back :o(
Drawers all straight - my little girtl's going off to Barcelona on Monday (again) for the winter, and I feeling teary already. Will feel better after a while.

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