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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Just checking to see if anyone is talking to me. Dull,wet day, busy with D. Tel crossword - attempt to keep the old brain ticking. Bit early for G & T but looking forward..
'tis OK Robi'tis real!!!!

marmoset don't start shaney off on the old gins!! I've got a sore tongue from eating too many Everton mints!!
the Derby Telegraph marmoset? crikey, I didn't realise my paper lad went that far....hope you give him a good tip at xmas

been a funny ole day

Jude neti is a double act on her own....
oh look out, she's swingin' her bazooms round this way.....
evening all....going to ignore the sawing wood joke with well bred hauteur....I did have strange dream though, I dreamed that me and Vinny ran off together to Robinia's and partied all night....when I woke up I had drunk all the dog's cough mixture....
Had a really tip top day today....went shopping for scented candles and ate chocolate for brekkie. Since dog was diagnosed with diabetes our house is now a choccy free zone so we have to sneak out and eat it on the sly.Its a good job she's never taken to alcohol really.....
HI woofy how come I am never in anyone's dreams?

Have just eaten a chicken curry pie with chips (ooh how british) but feel a bit icky now. Mr N has been at a golf do with lunch (hic) included and has come home and gone straight to bed, daughter and boyfriend have been watching a dvd and are now poncing about and going out for dinner - then she's off partying in Pascha until some time tomorrow. Ooh lovely and peaceful and I get to watch what I want on TV but there does not appear to be anything worth watching on Sky. but now it seems as thought Monty Python has started so I'll watch that .
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"Ive never known a day like it"
the bufferer in Barnstaple has bu66ered of..! so I had to shoot over there tonight and do the blooming floor...!shucks...pours himself a nice ice cold BeCkS..
lovely jubely.I need a song it has
Hey netti,that brings back the SiXtIeS I use to live in an old converted hotel and the landlord would check every pad every night.,.(it was me mates pad).! I use to hide in the cupboard when he knocked the door and I stayed there fer 6 months YO..! blimey...I had a strange dream last was netti it twas....she jumped outta this plane and she forgot er parachute...all of a sudden her boobs set themselfs free and she was saved..!I swear i just saw her float pass me window..(((*_*)))back in a bit>>>whoosh to the fridge>>>
Evenin' All. I have just dragged myself to the puter after lying prone on the sofa for an hour with a cold compress on the forehead. Have spent the afternoon handing out food, washing up, clearing up and bareing my teeth in a "lovely smile." My grand daughter Aimee and her cousin had a joint birthday party (5 and 6) with 33 of their little friends and parents. I am now going to bed for two days!!!
Oh poormaggie I hate kiddies birthday parties. But obviously had to cater one every year, and I even hated going to them. Was so gladwhen they were over for another year - strangely thought allthe friends loved my parties the best.
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ooharr...that joss stone is turning on are xmas lights next week.I saw her singing in the Black Horse a few years ago..very good but never dreamt she would be one of them there SuPeRsTaRs.....just shows to go..(:O)
twont bee long now yo HIC...!(((*_*)))
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nighty night....luv you all yo(((?*)*)))...(((*_*)))
I've only just found out who Joss Stone is, after that addy which she sings on. I have to get a new keyboard as this is getting ridiculous, whatever I type comes with a side order of p's and <'s.
morning tattyheads....
I don't know about dreams it's more like a walk-in nightmare here...choc free & a party for 33 whippersnappers...aaagghh

Well as you lot were being 'totallers' last night I spent an evening with Stephen Poliakoff, what-ho...I'm norrall 'Ay up mi' ducks' & Corrie ya know, tut.

good morning biddies and marmosets etc... the BBC's 24-hour forecast says it's going to be minus 2 tonight... howeer the 24-hour forecast says it isn't, so I think I'll have that one, please, how nice of them to give me a choice. Spent much of yesterday at a Christmas Fair exhibition at Olympia, though all I bought was 3 bottles of a nice Australian wine for �10. Tomorrow I go off to Dockland for the Travel Market at which all the countries and tour operators of the world come to display their products. I always like to go along to lick my lips at all the brochures and take home as many as I can carry. Who knows where I will get to next year? Ibiza? Derby? The world is my lobster.
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Mornin peeps.
blimey,for a minute there I thought you said derby jno.<<cleans me glasses>>
Its a bit cold out there init..!
Havent heard from Dolly for a while,you okay sheila.!!
hiya MA can you tell us some secrets bout netti please..anything juicy will do...(:O)
cho cho
have just reread my last post and realised it's gibberish cos one of the forecasts I meant to say was the 5-day one and the other the 24-hour one. I blame the Bailey's; I never should have watered it down with Stolly. Thank you Robinia, all I demand of foreign parts these days is well-warmed slippers, so that is definitely the spot for me. styteeth002pd8.jpg
Well, a little late getting here but only finished lunch an hour ago! Don't think the Derby Telegraph gets as far as Altrincham Robinia! Loved the picture - don't think it's a marmoset - though the hair looks a bit like mine when I've washed it! Attended the Remembrance Service at our local war memorial this morning and as it was windy I ended up looking a bit like that!
<rips tartan kilt off>
could be a Romanian family link...why can't I be a descendant of those normal one village families?

by heck it's cold out
desperate measures

this is answer no 6969...just thought I'd share that with you


I'm in and I'm out. Been out for lunch - had siesta and now going to watch TV. Daughter has just come in after being out since 21.30 last night. She looks very tatty.

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