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Sharpei Bath Time

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donn1901 | 18:48 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
As the owner of a Shar-pei who i've owned from a pup and is now 28 months old i was wondering what the best shampoo is for their delicate skin. All the vets keep saying different things and i've quite took to malaseb and was hoping their was an expert or breeder that could confirm this for me.



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Just asked a Shar Pei breeder and she confirms that a lot of them use malaseb. Here is a link to her website, she will always be willing to answer any questions.

Unless my dog has a particular skin problem I use Infacare. Very gentle and doesn't sting the eyes. My pup is now almost 9 months, weighs 12 stone and gets showered every other week in our double width shower. His coat is lovely and shiny and soft but that might be down to the fresh salmon (cooked) he eats every week. I prefer to use the stronger shampoos only if there's a problem.

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