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No e mail alerts for months

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dotjhawkes | 17:16 Tue 29th Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers

It has been ages since I had an email alert when a response has been made, I know this has been mentioned but I havn't heard what is happeneing about it.

Maybe it's not months, but it feels like it!



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Hi dot,

Yes, this is a scattered and ongoing situation. It has to do with how our emails are read by certain email providers. Our Technical Team has been and is currently looking at the problem and in touch with said email providers. It is a pre-Christmas priority and we hope to find a solution shortly. We will be celebrating here when it is resolved, believe me!

Apologies for the inconvenience.

AB Editor

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Oh thank you for the reply ED dear! I did think I had been actually losing the emails amidst the chaos that is my PC.

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No e mail alerts for months

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