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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Sorry pib...But i did shout try having a conversation with a fridgefreezer in yer hand's....right..get the kettle on...its getting a bit parky out any buns robinia.(:)Oh no...who forgot the dogs>>.zooms back to fetch dogs>>>>>>>>>>>

Jude I told you something was dragging behind us....... oops

oh poor you Dolly, still poorly? Help yourself to the vick & lemsips (ugh horrid stuff that) Take care >>>>sending you a cool draught >>>>>

wonder what woofy's doing with the gasman?

Well here I am parked up. It's not like me to drive off without paying!!! You made me feel guilty Robinia So I nipped back to pay. I'm a good girl really, I think I was just that eager to get here. :o)
Get well soon Dolly. Take care.:o)

hello all and a get well soon hug for Dolly

The gasman has been and serviced my system (and you can ALL stop sniggering)

Poor puzzled Puss...maybe we ought to direct visitors to the original Grotto, anyone capapble of reading it from beginning to end would "get" what we are about and maybe imbibe some of the goodwill and dementia that make our moving home such a pleasant place.

Just popping by - I didn't have to tawl through to find this question either puss, it appeared before my very eyes!
*trawl even
Oooh this is becoming confusing now - I keep forgetting where I'm going....I keep toddling through the wrong categories like some kind of bewildered tea lady. Had a really horrible day today, my legs are soooo painful & now I'm going all hot & cold, hope I haven't got the lurgy coming on too. I think we'll have to put out a call for a retired doc or nurse to join our clan....

hahaha..... this has cheered me up - I've found a cut out Biddy to dress - how many of us had these when we were small?....and used proper deadly scissors, none of these plastic things......


Vinny you are excused this Q.....unless of course....

Robinia I hope you've not got this virus I've had. The Dr. called it Influenza B. Viral RespiratoryTract Infection. Couldn't give me anything for it. I had paracaetamol to bring my temperature down. Anyway keep yourself warm and have plenty of fluids.

I remember those cut out things we had as kids. WE had fairies and and princesses.

No Robinia,my sisters were very protective.They wouldnt let me see any cut out clothing or ladies they made me take me dogs out for a walk....hehe..(:)

dogs a nice pair of dogs...(:)

Very Funnny Vinny. Hope you are ok.
Hi jude,yes thank's and you...must'nt speak to loud all the other biddys our in bed.I must stop going to woofys gets a bit confusing sometimes..and that's just robinia talking..hehe..its okay she will be in dreamland now...bless her...!! That influenza B thingy sounds a bit dodgy....I think i will walk around wearing a mask from now on....all though some people would say that's a good thing....robinia...leave it...!!(:)Hello to smudge and dolly...and where's that pickle..?liked your pickys gessoo..(:)shall we call them pinky and perky...(:)

Well I'm off to bed now. Hope you all have a good night.

Robinia - hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.

Good night All!!

right, have just run all the way from the figgybank... yes, this orange box looks very nice - orangerie - I've spent a week in worse places, and thanks to the French influence there's not much lawn to mow.

Morning - I'm well and truly befuddled now....there's a been a meeting in figgybank this morning - and no one in here.....sob....wish we could go back to the grotto and the dusty old peg rugs.

Another dreary day here, it looks a bit misty but probably the clouds are holding down all the rubbish in the air.
Hope it's stopped raining over there neti.

Anyway, as it feels a bit countrified here at gessoo's are we going all tweedy? shouldn't we all be wearing headscarves or flat caps and wellies? It certainly smells very rural with those piggies out the what are their names? Burger & Butty....?
Remember - life is pigswill....and then you're a sausage.

Hi jno - glad I'm not talking to myself.....that is beautiful, and there's sunshine and flowers....oh, just perfick....

Vinny, wake up Vinny - shaneystar is stranded at the figgybank can you go & pick her up please?

fed up

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Hope you feel better today Robinia. I think you go and pin an official notice on the door of Figgiebank to say we have now all retired to the country!

I feel tired today. My back has felt quite good for the last few days and I felt much more cheerful, but today I am weary, so am off to my bed for some more sleep. Doc says that on my 'off' days I should just give in to in and make the most of my bad days, and today I don't intend to argue with that.....................


Might see you later. I have to work this evening :o(

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