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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Shaney Yes I love them. General Knowledge, Skeleton, Alphapuzzles all sorts. I'm not an Express reader but I buy the Sunday Express just for the puzzles but I never send them in so I'm never likely to win anything!! Hope you do win sometime..

Don't listen to R Derby much at all at the moment Jude - I go through phases. I used to love radio Trent & I remember Dale Winton before he made it big - always knew he would...& there was David Lloyd, Andy ???., Craig Strong & Jon Shaw & they all had their own style. Most radio presenters sound the same now & I'm sorry but I can't be doing with women, especially if they have an affected voice/accent. Do you watch Central news, been meaning to ask you for ages? That Lucy Kite has to be the most irritating woman ever on a news prog. At least they send her on the outside stuff now so she's only on for a few mins. And the sport woman is pretty annoying as well!

shaney - I'm working on a suitable punishment for Vinny. I think it involves cleaning products....

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Well I'm up, but wish I wasn't......... except of course for visiting all you lot, which makes me feel a lot better.I have just gone back over last night's and this mornings posting, I can see them better now - I was in a fog this morning. It looks as if most of us have moved in now. Thanks Woofy for your good wishes - creaky gate? today I feel like the one that fell off it's hinges!!

Oh Robbie, I love that Paper Doll site. I used to spend most of my pocket money on them and sit for hours making them loads and loads of 'designer' clothes by tracing round the outlines. I then went on to make the paper dolls myself as well and paste them onto card. Only child - very resourceful in keeping myself amused!!

Down to the vets first thing tomorrow morning to learn about injections and have vet oversee us giving Willie the ginger cat his first dose of insulin. Poor Willie, I am so bleary eyed in the mornings - goodness knows where the needle might go!!!

Got to go and at least unload the dishwasher and sweep the kitchen floor before starting work.

See ya

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The most irritating newsreader of all times has to be Moira Stewart imho!!! No expression in her face or her voice and dead eyes. I seriously think she is a robot which they use to save money!!!!

...hehe gessoo - and that scary hair!!

sorry but Lucy still has the prize - face like a permanently smiling pudding, twittery voice, over-pronounces, whistles her s' and spits her t's ....aaaggghhh....

Gessoo Take it easy and I hope you feel a lot better soon. Good luck with giving Willie his injections. I'm sure after a few times it will come very easy to you and you'll be great at it.

Robinia The only TV news I watch is BBC between 6.00 and 7.00 pm. I'm a fan of Dominic Heale. I'm not very fond of the woman with him Ann 'something or other.' Dominic used to be on ITV but changed about 12 months ago and I went with him!!

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Jude, yhsnkd (he, he that was thanks with my fingers on the keys - by accident, but I thought I would leave it) I touch type learned on one of these:


Now I have forgotten what I was going to say!!!!! I know, obviously, Jude, you live quite near Robbie in the Derby area. My son was at uni at Derby so know it but not very intimately. Used to walk the dogs in a really nice park by the river which ends up almost in the town centre, and also another one fairly near the uni (with lots of nice trees and squirrels and a lovely village at one end).

Gessoo My first job at 16 was as a typist clerk and I had an Imperial 66 typewriter to work on. I used to go to college to study touch typing. I'm still mpt very good.

The parks you visited may have been Markeaton, that one is opposite the Uni. The other one I'm not sure about it might have been Darley which has the river Derwent running through it. I used to live right next to Markeaton and spent many happy hours in the park in my youth.

Derby City is a bit delapidated at the moment what with building projects that have been started and then stopped much to the frustration of the Council Tax Payer. But on the whole Derby is a nice City and as I was born and bred here I like it.

mpt = not :o)
I should have said Derby Cathedral,
Question Author

Nice picture Jude.

Yes, Markeaton was the park we went to near the university and the other one was Darley, because we walked through it to the town from Darley Abbey. Last time it was absolutely bucketing down with rain and we all got soaked. I think we were the only stupid people in the park.

Just popped in twixt main course & dessert trolley - it's the butler's night orf so I've got to get my own... tut....

There's some new business when you look at My Profile...also see Rubyrose's post in suggs.....
bong bing

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Exhausted............... ten minutes more work and then it's sausage and mash and back to bed. Warming pan in please Vinny and a nice cup of cocoa wouldn't go amiss!


Night night biddies xxxxx

Goodnight Gessoo Sleep tight!!

ooops....>>>trip's over a big bag of washing....?who left that by me late for gessoo's cocoa....!are be in trouble now.Now whats robinia got lined up for me...?sorry shaney...I will take my can share with me..jump on in...

bath evening jude you okay..hello dolly,hope your feeling better...Im gonna get up early and pop over to gessoo's with a nice pot of tea..and a nice relaxing where's that pickle ...?where's he gone...netti....!! did smudge and woofy pop in today.(:)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>zooms off to check>>>> peeping at channel 4 tonight

I was one of the researchers Vinny :-) I'll bring in a tape measure tomorrow.

gessoo you can't eat sausage....oh heck there's a theme going you've got the piggies. Vinny that's your job - mucking out the pigs...don't turn your back on them, quite lively some of them.

Right it's time to get me hairnet on - tut ...who's been straining the sprouts in it? Sweet dreams......

Hi Vinny I'm ok thanks but it's freezing over here and I can't wait to get tucked up in bed so I'll just say goodnight to everybody see you tomorrow.

Where's my bed

goodness, looks like I'm up so late everyone else has gone to bed. Be just me and Dolly then... gessoo, I know somebody who knows Moira Stewart and says she's lovely, totally real, friendly and unaffected. But I think newsreaders deliberately try not to get too chummy on air because they think it moves your attention away from the news and towards them, which they consider unprofessional.

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